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Importance of Recognizing Good Effort in Customer Service?

I think its important to recognize great efforts amongst a team involving customer service. I know amongst my team that we often sit and have a breakfast and discuss challenging situations and how we faced them.
As important as it is to give excellent customer service- I think its just as important to reward you team for efforts well done- so they can continue to have the positive effective attitude.

How would you work with your team to keep the positive effective attitude they need to provide the best customer service possible?

This is a great contribution to the forum! Excellent points you make! I look forward to hearing from the rest of the forum on your post.

Dr. Jean Norris

Hi Amber,

I agree that recognizing where exceptional efforts are made, regardless of the outcome are important for supporting team members.

Noticing what is a well-intentioned action can help morale and keep individuals motivated to continue offering the best service possible.

I see that appreciation goes a long way and has a meaningful ripple affect.


Stacey, Recognition is a great way to help keep up the motivation up on team. Great suggestion!
Dr. Jean Norris

The recogniton of good excellent service as well as the effort to provide such goes over in a huge way with employees and coworkers. Its always nice to earn money from our efforts as customer service providers. However, a simple "Hey, you did a great job" is much more valuable than the money.

I couldn't agree with you more. You are going to have the best team with a positive environment.

I agree !!! Giving and recieving "kudos" has always been important to me. I know that I tend to perform better when I feel appreciated and acknowledged. It's amazing how far a simple "job well done" can take my attitude !!

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