Student Expectations
Students fear the unknown. I sense on the first day of every class there are students who look at the syllabus and wonder if they will be able to pass this class.They wonder if they are up to it.
To assure them of success I spend a lot of time the first day going over each assignment in complete and specific detail and showing how we together are going to accomplish our objectives. I make a point of bring in assignments and projects from previous classes for them to review as well as giving them a specific outline of each learning objective that we discuss as we meet them.
Even when student are excited about attending a program or class they are afraid. It is a good practice to go over the syllabus during the first day of class, explaining any projects that are required and providing examples of finished projects and resources available to them in completing assignments.
This is also a good time to provide office and remediation hours letting the students know that you are available outside of class time.
I completely agree. Setting the correct tone for expectations and available resources is important. I especially like that you provide examples of finished projects.
Susan Backofen
What a great format that you bring in examples of projects from prior classes and remind the students that together, objectives are accomplished. Going over the syllabus on the first day is standard practice but sometimes we forget that it can be a fearful experience as well. Reminding them that it is a progressive process is important.
Susan Backofen
I agree about students being afraid. I teach in a clinical setting at a hospital in the operating room. While I expect the students to be fearful, I also expect them to perform. My expectations are set up-front, and like-wise I ask them what their expectations are of me. It usually starts everyone off on the right foot, and I experience less problems this way.
Setting the right expectations (on both sides) is always the best bet! Kudos
Susan Backofen
I have to admit, there are times when expectations get off-course. When speaking to students, it is advisable to watch one's wording as they can be misconstrued.
Very true. While it is critical to set the appropriate expectations, they also need to be stated in a way that is very clear.
Susan Backofen