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first impressions

First impressions are lasting ones I have always heard. This is so true for anything. That first day of class sets the pace for the entire quarter and sometimes how the student may feel about their overall college experience. That one person that helped, that one teacher that made a difference, or that one fellow student that said hello!

Certainly, the first day of class sets the pace for the entire quarter. If the student feels a disconnect, a feeling of inadequacy or fear of failure, the student may have reservations about finishing the semester. It is imperative that the instructor greet all students as they walk in the door. Students should have a clear understanding of the expectations for the class and above all there should be a getting acquainted time wherein students introduce themselves and to share any biographical they deem necessary and perhaps their reason for enrolling in college

The first day of class is crucial I agree...this is the first day to set the pace for the whole quarter and can be a deal breaker, it should be an open forum for info from you and questions from the students and to intro each person to the class it makes them feel important

I agree,Ms.Cockrell about everything you said about first impressions.They can break or make the student!

I tell my student this all the time that there first impression is the one that people allmost allways remember

I agree that one's first impression is the last. Many people will not remember what you wore or how you looked, but they will remember what you said. What you said can be a determining factor as to how their lives will be changed. We must always make sure that we give the best at the first encounter.

I feel very strongly about setting our students up for success as early as possible. It is the best chance to start fresh and keep improving what you can from the previous cohort.

you only GET TO MAKE a first impression one time.

my first day i let the students know we are a team , and together we will learn the ropes. I let them know that i am approachable and never shun a question. My priority is them learning

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