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To make a better first Impression, you should always smile and greet the students as they arive and welcome them to class.


I try to be there as my students file inand welcome them in for the day. I always ask hows it going

The thing that works for me is being approachable. If the the students feel that they can approach you and communicate on a one to one level, they will generally have a good first impression of you.

The First Impression can be improved by paying real attention to students. A student knows whether you have set aside everything else and they know if you truly believe that they are important to you. I try to make certain that every student that I see feels that he or she is the most important person to me at that time. I focus my attention and give the student one hundred percent of my thinking, feeling, and believing. In the those first moments, you are building trust with the student.

My school is multicultural and where I once was very free with hand shakes and hugs, I have begun to be more careful. I find that in some religions people do not shake hands. In fact, we have an employee who does not shake hands. Touching another person is not seen as acceptable. I guess the best thing is to use the best judgment one can, but there are cultural factors involved in this area of body contact.

This is true. What is most disconcerting to everyone is when a person asks "How are you doing," and really doesn't wait for an answer.

Very true. In my college I do the orientations. Most of our students are adults returning to school after about fifteen years or so out of school. They are so nervous that if you shake their hand, the hand is cold and clammy. Body language that conveys openness, a welcoming invitation to school, the places people before rules and regulations, is what students need to help their minds embrace school. We know that the brain is ready for danger and when danger appears, the mind no longer is able to focus on rational things. Anxiety prevents one from being rational. Fear of the unknown has to be conquered as best as it can.

I play tunes in the background and smile and joke alot in the 1st morning of class. I try to talk about sports games the night before... just to make them feel at-home.


This is a very important point. With the United States being a "melting pot", we simply need to be nice, polite and caring to give a good first impression.

Yes, I think that so much is conveyed through body language. We have hired a convention refugee who has come from Turkey. He is working as an admission advisor for us. This has been an eye-opening experience for us since he is able to explain much about the refugee system and the frustrations experienced here with immigration.

You can make a better first impression by greeting each student as they enter your class room. A "Good morning and how are you doing today" can let the students know you care about them.

On the first day let them know what your expectations are , make them feel confortable , take away any fears they might have ,especially whren it comes down to test out day .


That is a great example of the "Hello Zone". The "Hello Zone" is simply saying "Hello" or smiling at an individual when you are within ten feet of them. This can also help you read students and find out if there are any issues that can be addressed.

By being upbeat and enthusiastic. try to make that class feel that you can't wait to get started. Convey to them that their education is as important to you as it should be to them.

I have a similar issue. I meet people at the door as they file every morning. We are supposed to check and make sure that they are observing dress code but this often gives the wrong first impression. I often refrain from saying any thing until after we check in so that they get to hear "Good morning." first.


Being upbeat and enthusiastic is great, but we need to be careful that we do not let our enthusiasm out-run the information.

In a school enviroment first impressions are sometimes made prematurely by the student,based on what they hear from other students.An instructor gaines a reputation and students form an opinion before they even meet the instructor.

To set a good first impression with anyone, regardless if they are students or not, i always make eye contact first and smile, sometimes even before saying a simple hello. I find it a much favorable approach to total strangers.


The first impression is very important, and correcting someone for any reason can give the wrong first impression. Great Example.

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