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Little Things

Little things like attire, smiles, handshakes, welcoming statements go a long way in creating a positive first impression that are lasting. It's amazing how vivid student's memories are of that first day in class and things you said that first day. It's a very important day for them, so it's critical your impression is positive.


These are tried and true ways to leave a lasting impression.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Frist day of class we introduce ourselves to each other. ask their interests, family and ,long term goals and why they chose the programs. students are given time to talk and explain their ideas. everything helps alot in long run.

In my job as students pass by my office i always say hi or good morning. I see students regular depending on if they need something from me or not. I have become a catch all for some students. There are students who will tell me about their families, students who talk about their troubles in class, or simply a student saying hi. I always try to encourage them and listen to what they have to say. I know for some students i have become a regular pit stop.

I make it a point to get to my classroom before the students arrive. This allows me to stand at the door and greet each of them as they enter with a smile. It may be a small thing, but I believe that this sends the message that I do care about their success.


This is a small thing that makes a big difference. Please consider making sure you speak to each student individually during each class meeting, if only for a few minutes. It is also a good idea to make ure someone on the campus is telling students goodby and thanks for coming each day.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Your first impressions are so important. It will set the tone for your whole relationship with the students. If you start on the wrong foot it is very difficult to come back from.


God point. I like to stress to my teachers that we get a new chance to make a first impression in each class meeting. We need to really rock the opening activities.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Yes I agree with you on this I have seen it it is really hard to come back from this.


What are some of the "little things" that make a positive impact on your students?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I agree. My students like to tell you how their day is, and are happy that you were interested.

At graduation students often discuss remembering the first day of school. They will remind you of the little things that instructors said to them that made a difference.

I am as students how was there weekend. I show them that I care. I do 1:1 conferences one time a mod. I know my students personnalites. If I know they are acting different I will talk to them to see what is going on. I show a interest in them not just going in to the classroom and teach and walk out. I give them praise all the time.

This term I made a concious decision to be more inviting by incorporating little things that may not mean much to me but may give some students the permission to relax and accept my invitation.

Thank you, Sarah. What are a few of those "little things?"

Jeffrey Schillinger

I wanna add little things we can do in a few minutes. A smile or sincerely trying our best to help or find the right person who can help or finding the right information or resurces that can help.


A smile can be an important message.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Sometimes it only take something as simple as listening to help a student. After student graduate they will remember that the instructor took the time to listen, and they will remember and will send you a card to thank you for helping them. Please be an encourager to your students.


Encouragement is one of the most important things good career college teachers provide. In my experience, students often seek out the toughest teacher they had at graduation when that teacher was "tough but fair."

Jeffrey Schillinger

I always make a point in every "first class" to do introductions. This is how I remember the "little things" about them, like their favorite color, etc. I also ask them to mention to the rest of the class something unique about them. This helps the class to connect and I get to know them and I get surprised how many things I remember about them. I enjoy reminding them of these things, especially at their graduation.

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