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Gainful Employment Solutions


In Session 5, facilitated by Dr. Gary Carlson, the topic was the proposed Gainful Employment rule.  What was the most important thing you took away from the gainful employment session?  One of the main issues that came up in discussion was the perception or misperception of career colleges.  Would you share how your school is helping to combat the negative perceptions of career colleges?

I enjoyed Dr. Carlson's session! I believe that our career colleges and universities should continue to closely align to their missions and together, as a unified body of professional educators, drive home the message to our communities: we effectively teach adult learners, many who are non-traditional, first-generation college students, the employable skills they need to succeed, technically and professionally, in their chosen occupational fields. This is evidenced by our institutional missions and by the accountable measures, such as placement rates, to which we adhere. 

The Imagine America Foundation has decided to make it's Fact Book 2010: A Profile of Career Colleges and Universities available electronically.  Many in the career college community have requested access to the electronic version to use when they are meeting with congressional members.  We hope the data from our Fact Book will help change the public's misperceptions of career colleges.

The research compiled by JBL Associates, Inc. is broken out into critical areas of impact, presenting data on enrollment, student benefits and outcomes, career college student profiles, default rates, return on investment statistics, and job opportunities for graduates.

Please feel free to access the Fact Book 2010 and use the data to communicate the vital role career colleges play in the education sector!



One way YTI Career Institute is maintaining its positive perception, among the community in which it serves, is that we are consistent with our policies and within our values.  We stay consistent from admissions through graduation and adhere to the guidelines and benchmarks that we have created, our accrediting body has created as well as the overall guidlines of the Department of Education.  There is no disconnect between what we do and what we say we will do, and I believe that is the best way to preserve the positive perception of the community. 

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