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Chalk/White Boards

One thing that spoils my day is walking in to a classroom with an unlceaned board. I like a clean board beacuse it signals to the class that we are ready to start a new day, a new lesson, a new challenge.

The students know that I have a little corner on the board where I write the activities for that day. Also having the date on the board ensures that their homework and quizzes and tests are all dated correctly and also with them referring to their calendars they know what is due for that day.

I try to place boarders so I don't accidentally erase or write too close to it. Colored markers help a lot in explaining topics to the students and it also helps student better what I am trying to explain to them.

I write big enough so the students at the back will be able to see. I try to write in bullet points so students do not get overwhlemed and also they can go back to the book if they need to review the topic.

I also try to stay on the side to make sure I do not block the writing on the board.

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