I almost never use power point presentations, however, when I do, what I project is a complement to what I am talking about. So for example, if I am teaching about wine, the ppt will show pictures of vineyards, wine cellars, bottling, so on and so forth. As for my lecture, I use the white board a lot, with colors and I encourage the students to take notes and pictures of the board. I feel that as I write on the board in a progression of what we are discussing, it is as if they are watching a story unfold in front of them and they tend to keep more focused. Like when I teach Nutrition, I slowly draw "Joe", who is my digestive system model, and as Joe eats an apple, I make that piece of apple travel down his digestive tract and explain the different stages of digestion and absorption. I could do that using ppt as well, but somehow the white board makes is more fun for the students. They like Joe. Should this class ever be on an Adaptive Learning model, then Joe and the digestive system could be turned into some sort of game.