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There is a lot of things that could create stress or even add more stress to a stressful situation.

Traffic, powerpoint machine not working, copies of test not ready, intranet slow in opening, students not calling (no show - no call), computers in the classroom not all working, and on and on.

How do I reduce or eliminate some of the stresses in my daily life? First, I try to wake up 2 hours before I go to work so that gives me an extra 30 minutes to settle down when I get to work.

Regarding copies not being available the day of the exam, I make sure I check the day before that I have enough copies for my class.

Student no show - no call problem, I tried to eliminate that by writing on the board my extension number and making sure they keep it in their cell phones. I tell them as they would be required by their work to call before the start of the day, I am requiring them to call me also to infomr me if they will be late or absent. This way, I eliminate the job of calling hte student if they do not call.

With regards powerpoint machines, I e-mail lectures to the students weeks in advance so if the powerpoint does not work, I can still lecture.

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