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I teach first term students who may or may not, have ever attended college. Some have minimal computer skills, which means added stress learning their way around the classroom while also trying to figure out how to create a document, save and upload it. All this leads to a great deal more time in the classroom and working on assignments than they originally thought.

In my first week I share with them the different types of time management tools. I share with them that if they have never used a time management plan, beginning with a calendar is the best method. I suggest the Google Calendar to students as it can be used on your computer, smart phone, etc with minimal set up. I also encourage students [using time management for the first time] to use a blank calendar for one week and write down everything that takes them one hour or more to do. At the end of the week, they will be able to find where they can pull time from to create their own "class schedule". I am also always reinforcing that their time management plan will be unique for each of them and while they can pull ideas from classmates, they must focus on creating a schedule that works for them.

For the remainder of week one and throughout the term, I send numerous email reminders about deadlines and reinforce that though they do not need to "be in class" at a specific time, they should create their own class schedule to create a "habit of learning".

Finally, I share how when I took my first online course I left everything until the last 3 days of class. This helped me to learn to create a class schedule and work day by day, week by week to ensure my best work was submitted without added stress and frustration. I find many of the students can relate to my 60 hour work week and a family to care for, so sharing personal challenges and how they were overcome helps a great deal with my students creating their time management plans.

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