I just completed my first 104 course and I found it has helped me immensely. I found through taking courses like this and other teacher boot camps that there is more to teaching than just being an expert in your field.
What have I learned? I learned a lot about Setting the stage for success as well as learning how to manage student behavior. I also found module 4 quite challenging as I had to admit that I made some of these mistakes.
How can I apply it? I need to understand and study the role of the syllabus more than I have and to pay attention to key elements so my students can be successful in the course. I also need to help my students understand the syllabus objectives and course requirements. This course also taught me how to deal with challenging students. I have had to deal with some of the personalities identified in course 104 and after reading about some of the strategies, I feel more confident in handling these behaviors in the future instead of feeling frustrated.
What support do I need? I am very thankful for the great support from my dean and directors when I need assistance with a project or exercise that I conduct with the class. Since I started teaching this past summer, the entire faculty have been fantastic in helping me navigate the school itself as well as some anxiety in the teaching profession. I am also hoping that through continued interaction in these forums and discussions, that I can gain advice and encouragment from others.