Christine Bitler

Christine Bitler

About me


How do you handle a situation where management is also involved in project execution and fail to hold themselves accountable for dropping the ball? In other words, blame the other team members for their mistakes. I have been involved in projects where I and a fellow team member were "thrown under the bus" many times because they failed to complete their phase of the project. It cost us money, resources, and conflicts arose within the ranks.
Discussion Comment

Hi Rebecca,

I haven't taken ED 107 but was interested in your story.  Was this student ever successful and were any instructors able to reach out to her or at least put someone in touch with her to find another avenue in her field.  This had to be devastating for someone who was so motivated and passionate about her profession only to have something this tragic happen to her.

Chris Bitler

I found the sections addressing instructor types and personalities interesting.  I think I picked a couple of personalities out that described me. I also learned that you must be honest with yourself and somewhat humble in evaluating your job as an instructor.  Even though students are responsible for their learning, I must make sure that my presentation of material is clearly understood and not a hinderance to their progress or success.

I struggle as well with enforcing the late assignment rule.  As Mr. Hollowell stated so well, "the professional workforce is less forgiving than the classroom" and I constantly remind my class the importance of handing assignments in on time.  I am a Criminal Justice instructor and I really "beat it" into their heads the importance about late and incomplete reports and case documents which can result in the bad guys being released; all because of laziness on an officer's part. Our institution does mid-term grade evaluations to help the student recognize and overcome any deficiencies and included on the form is an area for missed assignments.  If they have any missed assignments up… >>>

Discussion Comment

I agree Shawn.  I found ED104 very challenging as I sometimes became frustrated on how to handle some challenging students.  The strategies were very helpful and I feel more confident in handling these behaviors in the future.  I enjoyed module 4 as I found myself making some of the mistakes addressed in this section.  I think courses like this to assist teachers, especially first time instructors like myself are so helpful.  I may be an expert in my particular discipline but I also need to be a well rounded instructor as well.


I just completed my first 104 course and I found it has helped me immensely.  I found through taking courses like this and other teacher boot camps that there is more to teaching than just being an expert in your field.

What have I learned?  I learned a lot about Setting the stage for success as well as learning how to manage student behavior.  I also found module 4 quite challenging as I had to admit that I made some of these mistakes. 

How can I apply it?  I need to understand and study the role of the syllabus… >>>

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