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I also agree with your comments.  I have been working in higer education for several years now, however, recently started a new role as a Career Services Coordinator  I am currently the only Career Services person in my department, so I have a lot of responsibility.  The CS101 course really helped me with ideas on how to provide more professonal and career development resources for our students and graduates, as well as prospective students. 

My wish list is that my university would hire another Career Services person, so that I can focus more on developing and establishing employer relationships, review resumes, and plan more career development workshops that will prepare students and graduates to learn more about soft skills that will prepare them for entering into their career. 

What about you all?  Do you have a big Career Services department or are you the main person who runs the department? I work for a for-profit university, so the priority has been on placing graduates in jobs that are within their degree of study.  Anyone also work for a for-profit universiy or have worked in a Career Services department for one before?

I look foward to hearing everyone's input.  Thank you for sharing your experiences, as it will help me put things in perspective and not feel so overwhelmed for having to do a lot in the office. 


Ryan N. Parks

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