The Higher Education Initiative of The Pacific Institute (TPI) holds an annual “Best Practices and Great Ideas Conference” to provide a medium for career education institutions to discuss the application of TPI concepts and other techniques and strategies to increase student and organizational success. This group was created within The Lounge to provide an opportunity for conference attendees and other career education professionals to interact and share best practices online!
One of the "upsides" to all of the issues with For profit education is that classes sizes have gotten smaller. I am not nearly as overwhelmed as I used to be. These days a class of 14 is a large class, most of my classes are between 5-10 people.
Career Ed Lounge is embedded in over eighty professional development portals serving the career and technical education community. Performance Groups in the Lounge are integrated with related learning opportunities offered on these portals. With a few exceptions, Performance Groups are also publicly available to any member of the Lounge to maximize peer-to-peer learning and performance outcomes.