About me
About me
I found this to be one of the better online learning classes. What is interesting is that the message has changed, and schools are now embracing the power of the internet, instead of creating panic over possible copyright issues, content issues and other pitfalls.
Going forward, I would like to try to implement more media, even in the ground-based, instructor-led classes. The easiest way is to use films found for free online or through subscription services, even from the popular ones, such as Netflix.
Something a little more adventurous would be to use a face to face… >>>
The best classes are those in which it is understood that learning is to take place.. The environment is conducive to learning. This starts with the way the class is designed, the teacher's preparation, and most importantly the teacher's attitude! If we approach our students as though they want to learn, most will rise to the occasion. By signing up for their programs, the student has at least vocally said "I want to learn" so we should give them what they signed up for! On the other hand, if we walk in with a jaded idea that our students should… >>>
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One of the "upsides" to all of the issues with For profit education is that classes sizes have gotten smaller. I am not nearly as overwhelmed as I used to be. These days a class of 14 is a large class, most of my classes are between 5-10 people.