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Creating Instructional Segments for Maximum Student Learning

Breaking content down into segments for instructional delivery is a challenge for instructors, especially those just starting their teaching careers.  A guide for how to break down instruction can be found in the age old question of "How do you eat an elephant?"  The answer is "One bite at a time."   If you take this common sense approach you will find that you will be able to break your content down into segments that make sense to students.  Many career colleges have their instructors follow a standardized curriculum where the lesson are laid out along with all of the PowerPoint slides.  Yet, even these standardized content packages need to be personalized by the instructors.  Look at the content and see if it makes sense how the segments are created and where they are located.  Ask yourself "Would I be able to follow this instructional sequence?"  If the answer is no then think how you can divide the material up to where each segment will make sense to the students and they will have a sense of accomplishment when they have gone through it.  Remember you are helping your students to "eat the elephant, one bite at a time".  By having clear and concise segments of content along with dynamic instructional delivery you will be successful in keeping your students engaged and focused, plus the elephant will gone.


Breaking down content is very hard for me to accomplish. Afterall, it is just to easy to present a ppt. When I notice that students are starting to drift off into dreamland, I will sometimes break the class up into small groups, and give each group a clinical scenario to evaluate. This usually brings everyone back into the class content. Maybe, in time, breaking up the lecture into differnt samm sections will come easier.

Dr. Meers,

AT the college where I teach, ther are set syllabbi, but the instructors can be createive in the presentation of the subject matter. I try to change the routine of the class to make it more interesting.

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