Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Authentic Learning

This is a great way to assess true understanding and ability.


I will apply the new knowledge creating short lectures and adding activities during class. 


I time-to -time prepare a illustrated study guide for my student to foucus on the testing content

Mini Lessons

I like the mini lessons and will definitely try this teaching strategy. Maybe incorporate it with activities in between.

Open Questions


Questions in a Classroom

This is the most successful strategy to keep the students engaged & interactive

Student-centered learning

Every student has something of value to contribute to the class's learning journey. Taking time to know each student, their experiences and insights, pays off for the growth of everyone in the class.

Helping Students

Very good information for helping all types of students.

Understanding Net Generation

 Net generation students are the majority of our students in clinical site. In clinical site, we can use  active learning and technology in performing skills. For example, Computerized charting vs. traditional charting, medication dispense  through usage of pyxis vs. traditional medication cart,  barcoding and electronic medication charting. Medication review through approved drug websites and using internet to review specific skills.  Teaching student how  to use technology to decrease medication errors.

Action plan

action plan 

Fliping the class room

Inverted Classroom: Students are assigned the “homework” of watching video lectures and reading any materials relevant to the next day’s class. During class time, students practice what they’ve learned through traditional schoolwork, with their teachers freed up for additional one-on-one time.

Flipped classroom

I appreciate the tools given in this course and will implemnt some of the now inmy traditional calass.

Action Plan

  • Work on clear communication skills, Road map, and pacing. Self-Video tape
  • Use memorable examples
  • Focus on nonverbal communication
  • Know my studens: Ability, Previous Experience, Motivation
  • Identidy learning Disabilities that interfiere with academic progress. Languague development, Vocabulary, Listening/Comprehension.
  • Monitor Progress 




ED 106

This class has refreshed me and i will implement some of the recommendations especially for those with learning disability.

ED114 Questioning in the Classroom

There was some use to taking this course. Most were common sense but a good reminder for best practise.

flipped classsroom

Fliipped classroom is a new idea to me.  somewhat laborious, needs a lot of prep.  but it is a good idea.  Every time students are in charge of learning they learn deeper and the ownership is rewarding and self satisfying.  One barrier is how to grade students.  if based on their own pace, what time tables should be utilized if any?  Cohorts can no longer exist since students are at different pace.  Thanks.

Structured notes work for Sales training

I created a participant guide with structured notes to serve as an active learning opportunity. Sales staff had a reference guide afterwards for their resource to refer to in the future.

Action Plans

I intend to use more small groups to access and process the material in a non-threatening atmosphere.  I will also practice more eye contact and "wait time" before answering my own questions!


With the knowledge I learned today, I am inspired to apply it in my classroom. This makes my lab projects more engaging by using the participatory technique.

moving around the class room

i am going to rearrange my class room to have more flow and movment to it for my students.