Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

instructional delivery and assessment,

I  have found many items listed in this first class to be helpful in my everyday teching. I did not know the attention of a student to only be around 15-18 minutes. and to keep learing sessions to shorter lengths of time.

i will take that with me, and also practice your hands on demonstrations before class is a must. that way if you run in to issues before the actual demonstration you will be better prepared and you will look more professional.

ED101: Not At All Like a Root Canal

Unless you have a formal education in the field of education, many career college instructors struggle with the basics of teaching. We learn from doing, and we learn from others who have done, and sometimes we get it right. Other times we get it very wrong, and this becomes painfully obvious as we tap-dance in front of our students, covered in bomb-sweat, desparately hoping for the bell to ring to save us.

Two things ED101 provides: ideas and validation. If you have a lesson or even an entire class to develop, Effective Teaching Strategies will provide you with the tools… >>>

Beginning of Class

I have learned to walk around the room and look at it from the students perspective and to chit chat with them before class to get a general idea of their mood.



I plan to utilize You-tube videos that cover the course subject matter and meet course objectives,as well as powerpoint slides to provide students with instructional material outside the classroom.  This will be followed by F2F discussion and implementation of the knowledge gained.

ED119: Active Learning

I thought this course gave a good overview of different strategies involved in active learning, including the benefits, the risks, and potential barriers. I frequently use pausing and asking questions that encourage critical thinking, as well as small group discussions in my classes. I think the strategy I first plan to try after taking this course is the "guided lecture" where students are encouraged to just listen for 15-20 min and then take notes during discussion and review of the content just covered. I would like to provide an outline of what I have picked out as important or key… >>>

Teaching in PN program

I use various methodologies to assist students with learning content. One tool is a student survival guide which helps students organize the way they study/learn content. The pyramid defines how to focus on chapter content star,ting with answering the  learning objectives at the front of the chapter. it includes defining vocabulary, checking and appreciating cues/alerts and boxed data throughout the chapter. The last part is using their Saunders review book to get the biggest bang for their buck.


Differentiating assignments according to students' learning needs provides learning disabled students the opportunity to achieve success.  Modifications such as:  word banks, graphic organizers, mulitple choices, extra time, shortened assignements, and the availability to take breaks, commonly assist students with learning needs.  I regularly modify assignments in the Inclusive Classroom using these methods to provide them with the opportunity to achieve greater learning and higher percentages on assignments.

Testing do's and dont's

Just took ED103. Of course it tells me that using True/False questions are only good if they is a clear and defined answer. If this is true why are the only 2 questions I got wrong True/False? Am I looking too deeply into the wording? Does the test creator know the answer so well that he/she feels it is clearly defined? Or did I miss the meaning in this. I listen well and I am very hands on. Is it my reading skills that need to be nurtured. Any way you look at it, I feel the test was well… >>>


That was fun!

Reflection/Action Plan for Active Learning Strategies in the Classroom...

After reading the course material, it is apparent that all course participants can easily integrate many active learning strategies in our classrooms. By doing so, we are greatly enhancing the student experience and making our day a lot more fun. We, as instructors are vulnerable to falling into ruts at times. We should empower ourselves to include both low risk and high risk activities in our classrooms as the course material dictates and include mitigation strategies in case things go wrong.

As instructors, we have to overcome the Barriers to Active Learning. We are all resistant to change but we… >>>

class room

I have had a student in the past that coud not read or write. It was a challenge for me in class. This course would have helped me a great deal had i taken it earlier.

Student learning and assessment

Being aware of your own learning style is extremely important.  As instructors, we often tend to teach to the type of learnign we enjoy.  Performing an assessment in the beginning of a class will help instructors be familiar with the type students they are teaching to.  It is necessary to address all styles of learning, as well as, evaluation methods. Each student deserves to be evaluated fairly.  

Effective teaching strategies

It is essential to stay current, in both content and delivery.  By injecting personality and experiences, teaching can be fun and exciting (which allows our students to enjoy learning!!)  It can be tempting, when teaching the same courses over again, to use "old" materials, however, it can also sound old.  Instructors can learn from one another or even utilize social media, to regain momentum for reteaching the old materials.

New To Teaching

I will be lecturing the second course of my career this week. I have a very strong background in lesson development. It was exteremely helpful to conplete this course as a refresser prior to class. I have completed a course syllabus, lesson plans, assessment tools which are required and I will allow for  18-20 minute breaks allowing my students to constantly stay engaged in their learning.


becoming creative

I have started to have my students draw images of the parts that we have talked abougt in class


Who Knew

Having completed this Course has given me several new resourses (locations) to get help when I need it when trying to find the best way to get thru to a student or group of students when they aren't quiet understanding the "process".  I was totally unaware of how many locations were available online to get help not only for myself but also my students.  Guess it's time to come out of the stone-age and look around.  Thank you for all the information.


automotive instuction

autotomotive instution is a balance of hands on and lecture that is some times difficult to manage


Reflection and Action Plan

The training course met my expectations to the fullness.  Reflecting back through the course, it gave a hole new out look to teaching.  When I think back through the training, i  realize I have been equipped with new strategies, helpful tips when lecturing, guidelines for lesson plannin and tools be a better instructor. 

Action Plan

I have learned different ways to deal with students’ issues. The student that arrives late, the student that is disrespectful, and the one that wants to defy me. I am planning to incorporate in my workplace the following measures:

a) Use the "I" language instead of "you" language. Using the 'you" language will creates a disruptive behavior and/ or a possible confrontation instead of focus on the attention in the class.

b) Focus on a student’s conduct instead of the student.

c) Use certain techniques like: ask a disruptive student to meet immediately after class or to “take 10”.


Learners and Disablities

The section on teaching students with disablities was interesting. I learned some new strategies and gain some new awareness on issues related to disablities.