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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

My wisdom.

The course has been beneficial and exciting for me. I teach writing, and a Rubric is the best tool to guide my students through the process of learning. Designing a rubric takes time, but it is the best tool to get the desired outcome. The rubric highlights the knowledge and behavior I want my students to develop. 

Rubrics are essentials.

The course has been beneficial and exciting for me. I teach writing, and a Rubric is the best tool to guide my students through the process of learning.

Online Learning

I felt this course was very similar to EL 104.  My grading, and rubrics, are determined by an outside body so this course ended up not being very useful to me. 

Sharing EL106 Insights

I plan to share several tips / insights from EL106 with my peers

challenges with online quizzes

An issue that we struggle with is online quizzes having a challenge with cheating/sharing of answers.  Ideas?



The differences in assessment are varied but my overall take away is the importance of testing and evaluating studetnsover time.

Can not wait to implement

This last set empowered my assessment knowledge


Assessments are so intrical to the learning process.  Even though they may take many hours of planning, researching, and constructing, they serve the best method of gauging student learning.

Technology in the Way

I once took a graduate course where we were each given a technology to use as part of the experience and it caused barriers to the learning.

Some of the technologies did not work with the schools LMS very effectively. The professor allowed us to "drop" this portion of the lessons due to the trouble that it was causing. It was a case of becoming enamoured with a shiny new tool.


Assessment and Evaluation

I teach a blended course that introduces faculty to teaching and learning in the online environment. One of the basic concepts is differentiating between assessement of learning and evaluation strategies.  In some circles, the terms are used interchangeably; in academia there are clearly defined differences.  This course continues to muddy the waters for people who are not clear on uses for assessment and evaluation.  The block on in module 2 titled Defining Assessment and Evaluation does a good job of defining assessment, but then uses student grades as a description for evaluation. In the final quiz, question # 14 even uses… >>>

assessing online learning

I will begin to create some assessment guides to use for my onine classes.

ED106 Course

I have just completed ED106 course and di find it quite challenging. I learnt many things that I am sure I will now be able to implement into my class. I had not really paid attention to the many ways you can assess your students especially using online tools. This information is very useful, from this course and even though I teach a mainly hands on subject, I will be able to use some of the ideas I have leernt in this course.

Preparation and expectations are critical

Setting students up for success wil directly impact their success!


EL109 course was a very effective tool for helping me understand how to assist the students in learning the objectives in the course. This can be accomplished by providing clear, effective rubrics in order for students to have a clear understanding of the expectations of the course and assignments. When students have a clear understanding through effective rubric they most likely are successful in retaining the material in the course.

Track changes

Despite many collaboration tools, I think that the track changes feature is the most beneficial.  The goal is to help the student become his or her best.  I believe that if I can give an example and ask them to check the document, this helps them.


This course has assisted me in creating proper assessments for the online certificate program I am now in charge of. 

Labs Sims vs. Grader Projects

I find that students do not do well on a MYITLab Grader Project after completing 4 Project/Skill-Based Trainings in one chapter of the submject on a simulator. They have to read the instruction sheet to complete a project, and without the 'Help' or 'Show Me', they are lost.

Lab Sims

Lab sims are great tools to teach performance of the students