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Being a Leader

Early in my Administrative career, I truely thought (assumed) to be an effective leader, a person had to create a vision, share the vision clerarly, implement the vision and assess the vision until the goal(s) have been met. After completing this course, it appears that, in some cases, someone else in the organization, with the appropriate management skills, can/should be appointed to be the point person to plan, implement and monitor day to day activities until achieved goals have been met. The leader should then be in touch with what is happening within the group and provide the necessary tools and guidance to the group to ensure the goal(s) will be met. I welcome any feedback that anyone would like to share to deepen my understanding on this important topic.

I believe that it is very important to know how to delegate the right tasks to the right people. That is a skill a leader needs to practice to properly develop a team.

I am a leader/manager by nature, but I have found out there is so much I need to learn accademically to truely manage and lead!


I think all of us in the education field have skills with regards to being a leader, but i agree that there must be a point preson, someone without a obtrusive ego to coordinate others to yield the best results of the group.

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