Due to our economy, many online teaching jobs are part-time. In addition to teaching the class for minimal wages and no benefits, there are numerous, superfluous tasks, dealing with accreditation among other things. How does one deal with this situation. The salary does not justify the volume of time spent on non-teaching tasks.
I wouldn't stay with an employer for too long if I was that frustrated. Surely there are other online programs that you could apply to. I suggest getting some insights from existing instructors prior to accepting an offer, though.
@tesstribo :Hi Teresita,
Yes intrinic rewards are a main reason to stay the course. Everything is not meassured in time and money. But sometimes it feels as if a professor commands the students' respect, but not that of the administrators in the entity that one is working for. It would be nice to get some respect.
Well said about that, Miriam and LaFanya. I believe that in teaching Mathematics, I live for the present and perform the best I can do to satisfy the students and the school which are both important stakeholders and let the future measure whether my effort outside the classtime had a positive effect on the students' performance and behavior towards my class. There were times when intrinsic rewards of feeling appreciated by the students and the school sustain our perseverance and dedication to teaching.
Thanks for your response. I agree with you completely. It is such a lack of respect and appreciation. Just play the game.
I agree whole-heartedly with this! I sometimes feel like I am the only one who feels this way because we as instructors are not allowed to voice our opinion on this matter. We are always led to being positive for the sake our students. If we disagree with any faculty expectations, we are not a team player. I never feel like a valued instructor even after all the work I put in daily. We are given more and more tasks with NEVER and increase in pay and are constantly being evaluated. I have to work at various different schools to come close to getting a full-time income.
I teach mathematics and many of the students I get are not well-prepared for the course. If my retention rate isn't high enough, then I'm not doing enough to help them pass a class that they did not have the pre-requisite skills to take in the first place. Sometimes I feel the school just wants the students to pass by any means necessary.
Well I guess that's enough venting! Will anything change? I think not. We just have to go with the flow. :)
ED105 was very helpful and have used evaluations and grading, and found some worked very well sone I
to experment with to made work to alls satisfaction.