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ED 115 - Soft Skills an Emotional Intelligence for Classroom Instructors

This particular course gave me a chance to look at things that I am doing right, and also gave me some insight as to how I might improve on some of my soft skills, in order to be more effective in the classroom. We often as instructors erroneously feel our students should grasp concepts as easliy as we do. If we think about our jobs from a people oriented standpoint, then we realize that sometimes it takes others longer to get what we've had several years to absorb and/or perfect. When we look at our students from their point of view instead of our own, we can begin to have more patience, compassion, and understanding for them. We are allos more willing to spenad more time with that student that may need to extra time. We may also come up wiht more creative ways of teaching those difficult to reach students.      

I enjoyed this course. It has allowed me to understand soft skills better. I can use what I learned right awa.

awesome info... totally agree.

awesome info...totally agreed.

I agree with you. I learned alot from this course. It can be a challenge to maintain control and keep the students interested in the course. I already use alot of the techniques mentioned and I will take more of the into the class with me in the future.

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