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Have you bookmarked a web site/page on your browser that you find helpful in your professional work? Do you use an online resource/tool/video that you've found useful for your work? Simply grab the URL and add it as a bookmark so your peers can also benefit from your collected resources. And make sure to describe the resource and solicit comments to maximize learning and outcomes.

The ADDIE Model

Knowing and using the ADDIE model is a core tool for any instructional design, whether for online learning or other learning modes.  There is never any course from which instructors and desights can't 'learn' from experience. The ADDIE model allows for continuous improvement, which ultimately also improves learners' enjoyment, experience, retention, application and outcomes.



Sometimes when a student wants a deep dive into a topic, I suggest a free Coursera course specific to their needs.

5 Tips For Writing A Solid One-Page Memo To An Executive

This article provides clear, actionable tips for writing brief, clear memos for use by an executive audience.

Covid19 vaccination On target

The rate at which eligible populations are vaccinated is admirable and on track


I use Nearpod to engage students and to allow them to interact during lessons. There are also VR and field trips the students can experience.

Creating a Supportive Online Learning Environment with Emotional Design

Applying emotional design to elearning environments to increase connectivity.

ION Illinois Online Network

This is a site that provides information for developing an effective online instructional environment in which student success can be hightened.  If you look at the various links the site will provide you with some instructional strategies such as the following:

Learning Contracts Small Group Work
Discussion Project
Lecture Collaborative Learning
Self-Directed Learning Case Study


Khans academy

Khans academy offer courses in doodles and pictues about history, biology, chemistry, physics and many other topics.  In addition to faculty, the organization has a network of content specialists.

This broad topic, yet specific content allows the site usage for the advanced student and the struggling student.

Dr. Ferrier

APA formatting

This website provides a good place to get quick APA reference guides.