How can I design my course for online delivery?
Glen O'Hara View Profile
Steven Muntz
Great information Glen. Thanks for sharing your expertise and experience.
Melinda Salzer
Great ideas for embedded graphics and images. Thank you.
Marixa Patterson
good tips! Thank you!!
edward  dixon
Thank you Glen
Donalva Martin
Good suggestion about audio clips and sitting back so students may see better view of you.
kellie devereaux
Thank you Glen
Robin Hood-Dardy
Those are some good pointers.
Robin Hood-Dardy
Those are some good pointers.
Richard Kennedy
lots of great tips. Very insightful utilizing, text, audio & graphics to deliver content Thanks for sharing
Everly Henao
thank you
Ben Kliever
Great tips!
Robert Helbig
You noted "body language," which I thought was an excellent point to mention. Thanks!
Cynthia Terrell
Very good!! Thanks
edward  dixon
Mary Jo Wentzel
Thanks for the tips that can be easily implemented.
Diego Helfer
Richard Converse
Excellent input. I agree, but would add that intimacy is an important part of instruction as well.
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