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Troubleshooting Instructional Strategies

When these kind of situation starts happening my my class room, I always have enought to be work and the students know how you are, how you handle your class.I make every strategies to make it work in a class, be very patience.

Instructional back up plans

What are some of the back up plans that you have used in the past that seems to be the most successful?

Off the Bench

I am an adjunct instructor with fellow colleague who "created" the course of instruction we deliver. Basically, he is the lead b/c he has seniority and has been in the institution for a very long time and I am the new guy off the bench. He created the material and since I am the backup/Plan B, he expects me to deliver the same material in the exact same manner (to include the cheesy props he uses). Framkly, the way most of it is laid out does not really flow nor does the embedded media draw relevance to the lesson. I have seen him deliver this material, but for me, a lot of it just doesn't work. What should I do to "personalize" the material without taking any main points away and not upsetting the "silverback?"


Being able to break material into smaller pieces makes it easier to assess student knowledge.

make plan B as solid as plan A.

A back up plan is necessary and it should not be inferior to your original plan. It has been my experience that my back up plan ended up being my main plan for the next cycle.

educational troubleshooting

troubleshooting education strategies can help ensure that each student comprehends and understands content being taught

Having a back up plan

Having a back up an ensures that you are always prepared for class even when the unexpected happens. It shows that you have total control of your classroom.


The point of this module is becoming increasingly repetitive. Remain fluid and success will come. Remain rigid and invite failure - yours!

Glazed Looks

Glazed looks from students will cue the instructor to a great deal of information about whether or not the instructional strategy being employed is working or not. If that happens, switching plans is the way to go.


Research that I've read on testing shows that students do better with more tests. I offer students a pretest for every class session. The pretest/study guide is similar to the graded test and it helps students identify important information from the text before they attend class, know what kind of information the instructor uses for testing, and helps relieve pressure form students with test anxiety.

Using pretests as a tool

A pretest would be a way to evaluate the preparation level of the students. If you do give pretests and have each student sign their name be sure you inform the students of the confidentiality of the in formation. J. E. wright

Many students are not mastering the material

Sometimes,you have a class where many students struggle with the course material. How, do you adjust the curriculum without compromising the quality of instruction? Is pre-testing the best approach in tacking this problem?


It is imperative to have a PLAN B readily available just in case PLAN A does not work. Engaging students in learning is not only beneficial to the students, but it shows the instructor that they are understanding the material that is being taught.

Instructional back-up plan

I realized the importance of back-up plans because it is really true that sometimes students are failing to understand the keypoints of our presentation. Plan B is so important and based on the bad experience from Plan A it becomes easier to choose a better type of presentation and with all the instructional supports available a big relief is easy to accomplish. Thanks for the awareness.

to make new strategies to deliver

it is very important to come out with new straegies to delver the lecture as we have diversities of students with different backgrounds.

Reengaging off-task students

What some ways you can get off-task students reengaged in the class?

having a plan B

as a new teacher, I make sure to have a backup plan for each class. This helps me keep the class on track with the material that is needed to be covered.


Timing of instruction is a critical aspect of teaching. 20 minute periods of instruction are adequate for students in a insructional course that is mostly hands on.

Plan B

Most of us do not have plan B when we go to our classrooms. But I beive it is very essential.

students that are restless

To mix things up and to get an idea of how the class is learning the new material, I will have them play a game which each team gets to ask each other team one question. They use the book to find questions and enjoy challenging one another