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Learning styles

This is by far a great module the understanding of learning styles is something that will always give you the edge

Learning Games

I have always thought that it is a win win situation when I can have students do a puzzle or word game to help them learn new material. It is kind of like tricking them into learning, before they know it they learned something new despite in some cases what appears to be their best efforts not to. In the past I have used basic puzzles like crosswords or word searches. The more advanced games that this topic discusses intrigue me and I would like to develop a game to take the place of lecture. Do you think it is possible to replace some lecture time, in a one to one ratio, for concepts like ohms law application or lessons on engine management component identification? Not having played the games listed are some games better suited for some types of learning verses others (like concepts verses component identification)?

Keeping Students Interested

Gary, What techniques do you feel are most effective to keep the interest level high?

Field Trips

I have found that the use of field trips can be a very helpful tool in instruction. They can actually help the students make contacts for possible future employment as well as provide insight in to how various task are performed.

Us vs Them

I have found that many new instructors when making tests & quizzes get into an us vs. them mentality. They use a test as a way to compete with the student rather than to assess their ability to convey the information and the ability of the sytudent to apply it.

Being good employees

We have found in our programs that employers continually state that while they appreciate the high level of training our graduates recieve, they appreciate even more the graduates ability to be a good employee. One that can communicate effectivly, write legibly, be on time and work as a member of the employers team.


I have found that introductions by the students places them at ease and allows some of them an opportunity to express themselves. Some are working in a similar occupation and this opens the door for further discussion on the importance of the class.


I feel it is very important to keep the student focused on goals. This will allow the student to realize why he has decided to come to school in the first place.


As a CAD Instructor at ITT Technical Institute I have found that exhibiting a professional outlook has been most successful. By maintaining the proper appearance and using appropriate language as well as requiring students to do the same it has made a trendous difference in the behavior and expectations of the student.

Lap Tops in Class Rooms

I am interested in knowing how the instructors monitor the use of lap tops in the classroom and what are some of the rules and guidelines that they have successfully implemented?

;-) Demonstrations

It is very importsnt for instructors to give and explain demonstrations!!!

;-) handouts

Instructional handouts must be studied and memorized.

attention span

Somtimes I get so into my work I forget to give my students a break. Once I realize I've lost there focus I know it's time to let them break.

Dress for success

I believe that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So I tell my students that every day they should look as if they were going to a paying job.

Planning your class

I try to always have something new and interesting for my class, I think it makes the students realize that you care and that you are completely prepared to teach that particular class.

being professional

I think that being professional with students is very important. There are just certain lines that should not be crossed. You must give and demand a certain level of respect in order to keep the teacher student relationship professional.

grading tests

I love to review the day before a test with my students I feel it gives them encouagement to go home and study a little more. As soon as they are done with the test we grade them as a group and I discuss whatever they got wrong so they can learn from it

more important than technique

I try to teach my students that there attitude and personality is even more important than there techique. I treat each day in the class as if we were on a paying job. Attire, being over prepared,and ariving before time is on time. I think these skills are the most important in and out of the classroom.

group discussions

I try to engage all the students into group discussions, I find that it is helpful to everyone, especially the shy ones it make them feel more comfortable in their own skin to be able to adress a class.

Learning styles

Teaching a class should incorporate all learning styles, auditory, written, visual, and kinestheic. I don't think anyone is completly one type of learning style. Having different activities for the class such as, reading outloud, participation in class debates, and group demos, gives everyone a chance to learn and even come out of there shell a bit.