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Getting the students to show up on time...

It seems to me that this generation of students are having a hard time and trouble getting to class on time, how could I stress to them that they have to be on time and not late...

Exersice before or after work

I have found that working out before or after work helps release a lot of stress

Geting students involed

I have my students work solo just becouse of nateure of what we teach It gives them a chance to see what its like in the shop.

teaching a course

By teaching the same course again and again it becomes repetative, not a bad thing, not only are you familare with the material but you can anticipate any questions that may come up.

to do list

I have always made a "to do list". I have never prioritized it. Outstanding idea.

making mistakes

I have made many mistakes and have learned from them,I hope not to make anymore.

angry students

I have found that most angry students are not angry with me or the class it's outside influences. I take them off to the side and find out what is wrong by talking to them on a one to one basis and then try to get them the help that they need.

Should my Wife guilt me about my job?

Isn't that unfair?

I would like to have a hammock at work.

Seriously. Why not? Maybe we should try the Google Model.

What if my boss grades my performance on how tidy my workspace is?

I am a messy worker, who is extremely goal-oriented, should I constantly be discouraged by the lack of respect for my space when my superiors question my ability based on it?

unfocused students

keep reminding them of why they are there, what the goals are and keep them interested in the goals they want to attain.

fear of a new subject

I found that students don't like what they don't know, once they learn the subject their fear of that subject is gone. Typical response at the end of the course is "That wasn't so bad"

How do you motivate unfocused students when you replace an instructor?

I have replaced an Instructor who created a very difficult learning environment for my students and because of this I have some very unfocused students. How do I engage these students who have given up on this learning environment?

An on-again-off-again stress

I have a nice group of students who come to class all the time, study, do what they're told, etc. They are an older group of displaced workers. The problem is that they complain CONSTANTLY. I bend over backwards to make sure that everyone knows what is going on, that everyone is with me in class (we do a lot of exercises together - it's Access and Excel 2007), but still they complain. They have another teacher who goes over the tests before the take them (answers and all) and they think that I should be doing the same, so they can all get As. To me, an A is excellent work. Just because they come to class, study and do work doesn't mean that it's excellent. Sometimes I can live with their complaining or it isn't too bad, but sometimes it really gets to me and I'm not sure how to get rid of it. I emailed my aunt who is also a teacher and she gave me some suggestions that I will try. If anyone has any more I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Grading student work

I also have students grade each others work (in classes where it is appropriate). The students not only check paper projects but the electronic files as well. This makes it easier for me as I don't have to open all the electronic files and check those too. This is good for reviewing. I was having students grade each others exams, but some students complained because they were embarrassed that other people could see their low scores, so I had to abandon that. I am using McGraw-Hill textbooks and am looking into their EZTest software. I've worked with ExamView before and it's fantastic! Lastly, students can also grade their own homework - I have them type the questions and answers from the end of the chapter quizzes and print them out. Then they grade with a pen or pencil. They can't change typed answers!

coping with stress

Do an activity you enjoy..... I get out and take long ride on my motorcycle, It seems to "blow" all the stress away. :)


I just try not to let anything get to me, If something does I don't let it transfer between home and work

graded quizes

all of our quizes are multiple choice with a answer key it makes grading a breeze

Time Management

As an instructor you must manage your time wisely as in my case constantly working 12 hour days teaching two classes, if i fall behind it is unbearibly hard to catch up

Try not to be a " Common Teacher"

In trying not to be a common teacher if think you can side step some common mistakes. Think outside of the box, try ,if possible to sit in on a course prior to teaching it, see it how the students see it. Have interaction with students, have them help in the curriculum, instead of being taught to. Always get before, during and ending thoughts from your class to see how a course progresses, this is key to making adjustments, to help you help your students.