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The internet

how did we function without but more important is how did I learn to use it I'm older than 55 younger than 65 I wonder through the internet fairly efficiently not very fast but I usually find what I'm looking for the students on the other hand are very efficient therefore we need to use the computers as often as possible this will get them more proficient in computer useage and besides that being the type of school we are our work orders techinical manuals techinical bulletins warranties are all done on line along with training computers need to part an everyday excercise

time management and to do list

on my way to work I drive an hour each way I think about my day and what I plan on accomplishing that day when I get to work I sit at my desk usually with my feet up relaxed and put my list together starting with my list from yesterday If I'm given a new project I always ask for a time frame and I remind of the priority list I already have and where this new project fits in I find good communication is a must for getting things done I also know how to delegate when my list gets to full to handle effectively

Students who are content with receiving a lower grade

How do you motivate students who are content to receive a mediocre grade...simply because of attendance issues..... This can be very frustrating when you see the potential ...if only they applied themselves...

common mistakes

bringing home problems to class this is a difficult problem to deal with the damage this causes sometimes can not be undone just think of some of the things that go on at home and look at your students divorce money problems pregancies drugs when you enter into dialog with a student on any of these subjects it can get real nasty real fast

unfocused students

this will be an ongoing problem as long as we have schools what I see has to be done is put the pride to do well on the student if you make the student feel good about himself show a genuine interest in what he has and is acomplishing you would be surprised how focused these students will become

expectation and requirment

when giving the expectation and requirements make sure that the student understands all of the who why and how grade consistant and fairly answer questions frankly with as much detail as possible It seems to me that some instructors expect the student to know how to do tasks without demos and if they can do that then why are they in school don't get pulled into that frame of mind

Engage the student

I try to keep students motivated and moving even while lectures. If they start falling out, we will take a break and stretch or walk.

Gaining Respect/Authority

I am wonder how to go about regaining respect/authority once it begins to slip in the classroom.

Angry Student

One of the methods presented to me by a seasoned instructor is to pull the student into the hall away from everyone and say " I noticed that you seem to be having a hard day can i help you?"Then let the student talk. when he finishes give them a few seconds and then remind them that they can't disrupt the others in the room.If this fails the call the superviser and have them help with the situation

Unfocused Students

Mybe finding another way to discuss WIIFM Might be the ticket to reach these students

Golden Rule

While is some settings this may be alright to use as an example for the students, it may not be the right way to express it as some of our students pay for the courses themselves and may think that they are the ones with the gold.


At times I findd myself suffering from the need to do things now. In the past I never wanted things to wait until later because I believed it said something about the work that I did for the day. However, by working in a career college setting I have come to understand that it is better to priortize than to want to do things now. I try to do list and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't; however, I am getting better at time management and reducing stress. Is there anyone that finds a to do list hard to keep up with or modify as needed?

Undocumented learning disabilities

Any ideas on handeling undocumented learning disabilities?

Angry Students

An angry student has the ability to change the dynamics of the entire class. How do you prevent one angry student from infecting an entire class?

Unfocused students on Medication

How do you handle students that are unfocused and then blame behavioral medications for this problem?

Integrating computers and lectures using a computer lab

How would this help me keep students from checking their email or myspace accounts, when we are focusing on reading, but using a computer lab for lectures?

New Instructor

I will be teaching my first college course this quarter. The course that I will be teaching is a course that all new students will be scheduled to take. This course weighs alot on retention. Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle a mini-term course. We will meet four days per week and 2 hours per day. I am concerned about loosing the attention of the students.

Lecture Preparation

I find that if you make notes that you can review as you are doing the lecture it helps you to remember everything and not leave anything out. Also highlight areas of importance. Most of the time all of the knowledge is in our head, we just have to remember to pass that info along to the students. That is where the cheat sheet can help.


Each and everyone one of us has experienced stress one way or another. I believe that Stress (Positive) permits you to take action, this type of stress exits for a short period of time. Stress (Negative) is that witch limits your performance, also it creates negative effects in regards to physical, emotional and mental health

Online Discussion Groups

As of result of a large class rooms I have seen the benefits of using an Online Discussion Groups. It gives me the opportunity to clarify class material,share ideas and knowledge.