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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.


Good Morning

Social Interaction

I found all areas to be interesting and helpful. I liked the social interaction.


I have found that students become more involved if you can show that it material is relevant to the student and their daily living or education. It reminds me of the movie "Peggy Sue Got Married." She is transported back to her high school days. She is in her seat in her Algebra class and painting her nails and not paying attention. The teacher gets her attention and the need to concentrate on Algebra. Peggy's response was "I know for a fact I will never use Algebra as an adult." As you can see Peggy did not get the subject as relevant.

Spanish dominant student population.

What are some tips you can use to improve  your communication and online teaching to students that are Spanish dominant?

The un-engaged student

How can we better reach students who, under all circumstances, never seem to want to engage in online learning?  How do we appeal to the 'YouTube' and 'TicTok' generation that wants a faster, more entertaining way of getting information that deem as useful?

Would like to see more games in other languages

There are not many games for the Spanish speaking leaner.

Social Media and Interactive Apps to Ignite Engagement

I teach in the Early Childhood Department and have recently started encouraging students to think outside of the typical question and answer verbal responses by encouraging the use of social media and interactive apps for ticket out discussions. I would love suggestions from others using this format.

Best Teaching Strategy Question

I work in higher education and have a class of 46 students in a foundation of nursing theory class. The students vary in age from 19-35 and I can see differences in work ethic and in the ability of the older students to remain focused. What are some of your best strategies for keeping the entire class engaged?


Active learning

It is so important for students to feel comfortable and safe in their environment to share thoughts, questions, and ideas. 

Gaming and Simulation in the classroom: a help or a hinderance?

Gaming and Simulation can have a positive impact with regards to achieving specific learning objectives. Three learning outcomes focus on: cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning. The main barriers are Prep time, Poor fit for subject content, and lack of information. Over time these barriers should lessen as more options and information becomes available.

Incorporating prior knowledge (PK)

Do you have suggestions for the best way to gather data on PK (for online training, not for school based eLearning)? Have you tried incorporating it into trainings? If so, what worked best for you?


La fotografía de los estudiantes y tutor es importantes en una clase en línea.

Considero que la clase se hace menos impersonal.

factores que mejoran la retención

indudablemente que todas las personas queremos permanecer en aquel lugar donde nos valoran como individuos, nos entienden nuestras necesidades y limitaciones y nos apoyan para poder mantenernos dentro de un proceso, en este caso se trata del proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje,  en linea.

 Todos los estudiantes están esperando equipos de atención personalizada en el menor tiempo posible, por esa razón es de vital importancia que ademas de las herramientas tecnológicas adecuadas, se tenga personal altamente capacitado tanto en el area docente como de soporte administrativo que sea sensible a las necesidades de cada estudiante.

How can the response time and quality of the responses raised by the students be improved? Are there any standards or criteria to consider in order to implement it as a regulation?

I feel that this is one of the aspects in which the timely and effective response must be worked on, it can be one of the fundamental factors to improve the level of retention in our classes.

Do you know Methods or techniques to Fragment content and activities in an online course we can use

Do you know of any method or technique that is useful for the fragmentation of content and activities, I have thought of fragmentation by study topics, I do not know if any of you have used any other method that I can share

type of people

What about the dark learners we get some that are not nice people and are conniving.really bad attiutes . generally victoms all the time.

Can wikis and blogs be used as media hosting sites?

I understand that wikis and blogs can be used to host media sites but then my question goes to... How to collect for the course as far as compensation goes.  Once paid how do I get the student lined up to begin the course?  

Planning for Engagement

I think a hurdle to planning for active engagmentrelates to using LMS and having modules for courses Some instructors do not know they can (and should) alter assignments to meet student needs and to set up lessons for increased engagment. I am enjoying this course so far and look forward to learning more 

Assistive Technology Question

I don't understand what this means with the EL 111 Assistive Technology, "

  • Use preset “Styles” for marking up headers and lists. Just bolding a phrase does not make it accessible.

First, I am not sure what is meant by preset "styles"?

and then of course, what am I marking up within the headers and lists? I guess I am not sure of the verbiage.



Business students may follow Donald Trump,

"Business students may follow Donald Trump." What is being insinuated in a a comment like this?

That business students can learn NOT to cheat and lie? Or does it mean something else altogether?