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Really enjoyed this module. It validated how I work my class in the first week. It also gave me some fresh ideas and some food for thought.

Feedback from taking this class on retention

This class was extemely helpful in my retention efforts with students.  I have been teaching for 7 years and it is very true that once they decide to drop -- there is not changing the student's mind.  Proactiveness and connecting with students at the very start of class is key.  I've had students who were rocking along doing just great when all of a sudden a family crisis hits and they're ready to drop the class. 

The practices provided in this class as to how to deal with students and the way to ask questions I found to be extremely helpful and I will put these recommendations to use.


Joyce Hladky

First Time Exposure to the General Adaptation Syndrome and Intervention Cycle

Really learned valuable information about these two theories in RT101 and how they relate to retention.  Also, I feel I can apply them to my personal life with family and friends.  Really glad I finished this course.


I learned a lot from this training and plan to use it at my school.


Most of what was covered in RT102 are things we already do with our orientations. It did, however, get me thinking out of the box about how to further involve faculty and how to help students during their first week. As a Business College, we give our students flash drives at orientation, pre loaded with all the school information. Many of the students never take the opportunity to look at them before coming to class. I don't like the idea of going back to paper. Any ideas on how to get them to use this as an opportunity to learn about the college? Maybe an on line scavenger hunt?


Regarding Necessary retention in RT 101..... 

What can be done to rescue these at-risk students who withdraw, due to personal, family, academic,  financial or substance-abuse issues?


Can there be a wellness person/referra agencyl who tracks these students and their progress, before, during and after their issues are resolved to remediate them back into the programs? 


Regarding Unnecessary retention in RT 101..... 

Social Skills

Can we erode the interest in pop culture/social media/electronic devices during school hours (that distract) by offering students incentives to aquire skills instead.  They could "earn" credits for:


1) 1 no homework pass

2) 1 "leave a half hour early" pass

3) Wear"jeans" day pass

4) Other


These would be only for students who achieved their goals.




Any thoughts?






A quick self-assessment

If you’ve just completed a training course, please consider responding to the three self-assessment questions below. Your responses will help you and other participants to get a head start on the transfer of training process.


  1. What have you learned? Write a brief summary of what you’ve learned.

  2. How can you apply it? List one or two ways in which you can apply what you’ve learned in your professional practice.

  3. What support do you need? Identify any support or additional information that you may need to apply what you’ve learned.


Retention is Everybody's Job

As instructor, my job is not exclusive to teaching only.  I also believe that I play an important role in keeping the numbers up.  However, retention to me is not only about keeping students.  It is about keeping students, making them happy and making sure they stay happy.  I have former students who still contact me to tell me that their bosses are impressed with them and they thank me because I helped make it happen.  Then they recommend the school to their friends.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets this kind of feedback. 


I also taught in an institution that had to have two graduation cermonies in one day because the place could not hold more than 500 graduates at the same time.  Out of the 500 and so graduates, only a few got the education and training that they needed to keep or at least get a job.  Retention numbers were high because students chose to stay where things were done their way--the easy way.


Faculty should be involved with students from the first meeting at orientation. If faculty get to know each individual student, retention does improve.


I feel that we are obligated to our students to connect with them from the very first day of class. If students feel as though they are a part of something good, then they tend to stay engaged and want to come to class.

This online course will help me and my company to develop a perfect customer service.

I just love MaxKnowledge.

RT105 - Raising the Bar to 'First-Class' Customer Service is a great course.

This online course will help me and my company to develop a perfect customer service.

I look forward to apply what I've learned, not only in the professional sphere, but also in the personal.

Thank you so much.


My students have developed as professionals by learning (hands_on) from other professionals in the industry.  The internship allows students to appreciate the craft and develop techniques that may not have been taught in class. Students enjoy learning from professionals that are active in the industry.  This allows students to bring theroy to real world practice.

Trends for Your School

What customer service trends would you like to see incorporated at your school? How do you think this might help?

Defining Customer Service

What is your definition of customer service? How does this impact the service you provide?

My Definition of Customer Service

My idea of customer service is to maintain the focus on the customer at all times. Find their needs and fill them

Customer Service

Customer Service is a phrase that is used to describe the process of taking care of our customers in a positive manner. I believe customer service is a number one priority that brings more students to our institution.

On line marketing

How can you build a loyal website user like Amazon?

Customer service and potential clients

Customer service is very important. That is #1 no matter if it is a walk-in, returning customer it is important to treat every visit like a First impression. Everyone is a potential asset. We need to treat them like we care and respect their choice to continue to come to our business because we put them first. If we get laid back we are then putting a risk to losing not only this customer but all the customers that this customer influences into coming to your business. I enjoy my customers so my first rule of thumb is treat them as special as you want to be treated and you can't go wrong.


What is the best way to approch not so friendly costumer?

Always Right

Is it true that the customer is always right? In the event that they are not, how would you approach the situation.