Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.
Does anyone have a solution for starting a carpool among students? How are liability issues addressed? What are the retention success rates with that type of program in place?
If your school has a carpool program how was it started? Who monitors it? I would really appreciate any type of information and feed back about this program.
Thank you
Providing outstanding customer service, successful business focus on building customer service loyalty above all else. Understanding the customer needs and exploring the new trends those potential customers are seeking for. Since most customers shop over the internet it is important that once they meet with a representative in person they are provided with as much information regarding good value.
What is the retention formula? What about the student who is boderline asnd will probably do a poor job in the workplace? What is the job he is preparing for involves the morbidity and mortality of persons?
Its true , i will not return to a store with poor customer service. I believe the customer have a right to choose the business that goes above and beyond to make the visit special and comfortable. A smile, a welcome are simple effective ways to start.
Here's a great resource for you to assess your student's learning styles. Enjoy!
One best practice that I find effective is calling my new students before the class starts and welcoming them to the program as well as answering any of their last minute questions. The new students really respond to it and also helps to ease any of their anxiety regarding the first day of class.
Do you think it sends a postive message to the students for allowing a student back to school after a physical fight with another student?
Does anyone experience students whose success is being undermined by their families?
For example, students are "forced" to go away with the family instead of staying home to study. Or families let students start school, promising to help with child care, but then rescind the help a few weeks later.
Any thoughts on how to deal with this phenomenon?
I agree in that it is best to reach all new students as soon as possible and address any questions they may have. I find it effective to also seek out potential "issues" the students might have which would prevent them from succeeding in the program. I recently had a student absent for 2 days and found out it was due to transportation. To the student, the world was ending. On my end, i referred the student to Student Affairs and they were able to obtain a bus pass. Easy fix and the student was retained.
How often should managers work directly with cistomers to get a feel on the environment
This course illustrated many of the "soft skills" that are necessary to promoting a strong and healthy educational environment. Thank you for all of the positive reinforcement presented throughout these modules.
Several students tiold me I'm "hard but eay". I push the envelope, I state my expectations from the first class.
When students "don't get concepts" from quiz or homework, I invite discussion/feedback from students. What are they doing or not doing? Why are they not understanding key concepts I lecture (PWR PT). Feedback provides students opportunity to see what I can do to improve their focus on class material presented.
HARD: I make them adhere to school policies, wearing the uniform (scrubs), being on time, taking responsibility.
EASY Even though sometime difficult concepts, I break it down in steps. It make it fun (laughter with learning. I trweat them with respect.
I allow myself and students to ask with my answers/responses to them via email after class and I always respond to their questions, try to give tips of improving their comprehension of subject matter.
I found out that if one person don,t agree to the normal operation of how life or a matter of life they will not go with the flow which cause negative action.
I strongly believe that doing a regular students' survey at the end of each course helps to improve understanding of the students' needs. The surveys provide the school/instructors a better "pulse" about the students' needs and their experience in the classroom & the school, as a whole. The surveys make us more engaged in trying to make things better for our customers (students) and remind us that we can do better.
Cuales son las principales razones para que un estudiante no continue en un curso, y en que momento lo consideramos que ya decerto, después de un período?
Cuales serían las principales razones por la que un estudiante ya no continue un curso o programa en línea?
En que momento se considera que ha desertado, por uno o varios períodos?
Es el factor económico algo que se pueda controlar por la institución?