James Camp

James Camp

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Perhaps the motivation to learn and accomplish by the affected student is the key to eventual success. Adults, in my experience, tend to be more closed about their learning hindrances, than are children (damned ego). However, caring and creativity will provide support for the student's need; and "need" is the precursor of motivation to satisfy the need.Dysgraphia presents a terrific "reading challenge" to the instructor. Fortunately ijn today's educational environments, "keying is king". Those ithout access can be allowed to complete assignments at school; rather than having to take them home to write-out. Or, oral presentations provide a better opportunity;… >>>

Adult learners are predisposed to "idividual effort" from their many life experiences. There is an initial reluctance to submit to guidance or suggestion from other students. Administering a short, "bubblegum for the brain" quiz or problem they attack together, and have it unrelated to the course, allows an initial period of commraderie and buffering of their resitance.Then they can take 10 minutes to question,discuss, and explore their individual differences and experiences; but too, they can realize their commonalities and mutual motivations for being in the class.
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Adult students want to know the instructors knows "their stuff", but he/she is also determined that the students must learn the knowledge to empower and enhance their outcomes.Exhibiting a "spirited" approach to the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of classroom instruction is essential for getting attention; retaining interest; and promoting relaxed learning.
In the contemporary social and work environments, "change" is the plan-of-the-day. Having the skill to identify problems or areas for improvement for effectiveness, efficiency, and/or profitability is invaluable. Students who have honed a critical thinking-problem solving skill will find their employment opportunities expanded. No longer will degree completion or a 2-year competency certificate suffice. Thinkers, planners, creaters, evaluaters, and progressives will rule the day.
In Management and Leadership courses students are best challenged to "observe and reflect" situations requiring a solution. I have found that students can learn to be disciplined, questioning, and make reasoned judgments when allowed time to think, interact, research, and then form conclusions associated with these "life-reflecting" teaching tools.No feedback from employers has ever suggested that the graduates are asked to define terms or conclude a "true-false" fact.
Developing varying degrees of skill to think critically is imperative for searching,analyzing, communicating, and implementing problem-solving judgments in all areas of endeavor: personal, social, business, education, family.etc. Learning to be a lifelong learner is essential for pursuing one's career passions, family responsibilities, and social interactions. Perhaps an academic requirement for all undergrads should be an exposure to a course in Critical Thinking.
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When a course is for students beyond their 1st term or at the bachelor level in a "major area", considerations best include: Personality(influencer, dominator, conscientious,even-tempered), work experience, age, motivation, GPA(if known), etc. True group diversity will encourage understanding, acceptance, respect, and embracing the work effort for the good of all.
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Adult learners and career-oriented students respond to the "reality" of humor. Whether using light sarcasm, irony, or spotlighting current idiocies found in real life, the students will relax and place credibility with the instructor. The actions or events spotlighted can be used as examples for teaching specific points being covered. In addition, students can share humorous happenings from their lives that shed a credible light on the subject being covered.

In an effort to encourage and realize text reading by students at a 2-year college, a useful "tool" is to require chapter outlining of major topics, important points, and a primary learned conclusion. In addition, a "Term/Concept" journal can be assigned to cover all chapter readings. Each student can then be assigned a specific "term or concept" to learn and teach to the class using real life application and experience. Lastly, allowing a 3x5 card to be notated on the lined-side only, and used during an exam over the material will encourage reading the text, and not simply relying on… >>>

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Emphasize acquisition of knowledge and skill over mere course credit achievement.

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