Adriana Garcia

Adriana Garcia

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I provide a number of ways to take the test. In class and online. We take the test in class without notes. If they are satisfied with their grade that is the grade they will get. If not they can take the online test during their own time as many times as they want with or without notes. I will take the average of the two test, in class without notes and on their own online for their grade. In the event they were absent or have to take a make up I take off 30% of the online grade… >>>

Inevitably I will get two students that are polar opposites in terms of background experience. One will have not have enough prerequisite skill to keep up and they feel frustrated while the other might be a bit advance for the course that they be come bored with the pace of the class. I have found it beneficial to pair these students together. The frustrated student will have someone turn to if they missed something and the advance student finds out new ways of communicating what they know reinforcing their knowledge and perhaps leading to new discoveries. What do you think… >>>

I have found that follow-allong demonstrations, handouts, and personal student to student follow up is a good combination when trying to teach involved skills. They can follow along during class and if then missed the lecture they can follow the handout on their own time. Or if the student feels the lecture is to slow they can use the handout to finish early. I will try to insert positive aspects of my personality in this process. So far the response from students has been great.

I agree that we as instructors must always improve upon teaching methods that are successful. Building upon those stratages that work can only enhance the students expierence and increase the instructors enthusiasim. It is quite rewarding when a student provides positive feed back on a project that encouraged thier understanding. I also find that rethinking and restucturing previous successfull methods also alows the instructor not to get "stuck" teaching the information in the same way increacing enthusiasim all the way around.


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