Dr. Blake Faulkner

Dr. Blake Faulkner

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June, You have nicely described key characteristics of a strategic thinker. Have you worked with a leader that you felt exhibited these attributes and if so can you provide an example? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Steven, Good thoughts. Can you clarify further on what you mean by pacesetting and an example you have experienced tht demonstrates a good example of it at its optimal? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Doris, Do you have an example of a decision you have made recently through this collaborative process that led to an effective and successful decision? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Aleksandra, Rethinking the Future is a wonderful book. What do you think Rowan Gibson would say today (2014) about the "strategic thinker". Do you think it would be the same or do you think anything has changed that he (or you) would add or delete from those characteristics identified above? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Troy, What are the other steps you would follow in this regard? Dr. Blake Faulkner

Lisa, Good points. The collaborative decision making process should help minimize this issue to a certain degree. If everyone's view point has been heard and discussed it is easier for folks to buy into not only the solution but also being vested in implementation. I think as decisions are made it is important to clarify who will need to do what to move things forward. This helps eliminate some of what you identified above where there is a feeling of great idea now knock yourself out and go do it! Those involved in collaborative decision making process have to take… >>>

William, How do you believe time constraints in relation to the creative workplace and process are best managed in higher ed. How do you manage this "most influential factor" to get maximum results? Dr. Blake Faulkner

Henry , Good point. In higher ed we have multiple stakeholders that are often impacted by our decisions and whom we need to keep in mind many times when we make decisions. Ultimately our primary stakeholders are our students and making decisions that are in the best interests of students and their growth and development is essential. However, because we also have responsibliites to employers, other students, and society as a whole, many times our decisions have to take into account how our decisions will ultimately impact these groups as well. Taking into account how a decision will impact all… >>>

Eric, Good summary. In regards to point 5 I think it is essential to make sure that the integrity of data is sound so that you can make informed decisions. I think your point of making sure data and input is from a diverse set of sources and that input from key stakeholder groups is also important part of the strategic thinking process. Listening objectively is also an important element of strategic thinking. I think we all get locked in to our own perceptions based on our past experiences that we sometimes have to discipline our thought process to listen… >>>

Miles, Good point. Making sure all of the appropriate stakeholders are involved in the decision making process is essential to coming to the best decision and ensuring buy-in from all key stakeholders. Dr. Blake Faulkner

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