Charolette Brown

Charolette Brown

About me


Discussion Comment

I just completed EL104!  EL104 was informational and provided great content to add to the structure of my online content as an instructor.  Charolette Brown


Like many Elearning instructors; it is so important to understand the appropriate direction in facilitating course material to filter the information incoming and outgoing. Online student’s have the desire to understand the course layout to effectively understand the information given. Charolette Brown
The Role of an Instructor The role of an instructor is the same mode of a facilitator. The instructor oversees student’s involvement as well as communicates the intended course material through live lectures as well as through chat sessions. Charolette Brown
Synchronous Learning Environment I am more favorable of communicating in a synchronous learning environment versus asynchronous. Synchronous learning environment allow me to effectively get the message across. Recently, I just started conducting chat session in a synchronous environment and have noticed how well students retained the information given. Charolette Brown
Technology tools such as Google docs and blog is a cost-effective tool that can be shared among instructors and students. The tools are free and can connect with any online college. Charolette Brown

Hi Anthony,

I just completed EL102 and found the course to be most helpful for student engagement; and to increase my knowledge regarding student behavior while learning online. The course was very interactive and great resource for content need and knowledge.

Charolette Brown

As an online instructor, I believe that it is highly important to understand the learner needs in an online setting. Oftentimes, students struggle with the assigned material because of lack of understand or lack participation. I like to encourage students to use me as their vehicle for learning. Charolette Brown
Online discussion forums are so important for online students. It offers student engagement, student interaction and an online learning environment. Charolette Brown
Instructor's can inviting demonstrate presence in the classroom by posting a short biography of their interest and hobbies. Students want to know that their instructors or humans and not machines. This is sure fire way to keep students actively present in the online environment. Charolette Brown
Should the course duration reflects the course contents outlined in the syllabus?

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