Debra Harris

Debra Harris

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Note to self [ Opps, better artculated]: Self-encouagement as I examine how my written communications will be understood by recipients. "Rewrite the message as many times as it take to convey to my reader a message that feels like I'm looking into the eyes, with my head tilted, and thus engaged in our written dialogue.

I learned that motivation is just as important--or even more--as all of the other avenues to student, goal attainment. Thererfore, I will be vigilent and intentional, so that I may not leave this apsect of the coaching relationship unexamined or underestimated.

Much needed reminders. What I've learned and what I will do differently are subsumed in the following take-aways: 1) Don't interrupt--for do so might mean that you are not listening attentively or with a mind to make meaning of the speakers thoughts and ideas. Whatever I'm thinking--if it's valueable--will come back to mind; and 2) Calm down enough (when activated) to avoid offering "constructive critiques", which will always sound judgemental if not tempered on the front end of the remarks. This time is a perfect way to keep silent, allowing the student to share. 

 I learned that Carl Rogers was a genius at relationships processes, and his approach to working with his clients is timeless. As for me, I will make sure that I am intentional in my efforts to connect with students, and to do whatever I need to do to be prepared to engage them.

I learned that University ABC must be cognizant and conscientious regarding the safety and security of students' information. I, most likely will survey students to get a "consensus" on the most effective way to inform them of their rights, while informing them of some of the limitations, i.e., larger responsiblites of the uninversity to safeguard everyone, including the institution itself.

As I read the module, I saw myself as a student wanting information about my educational records. I couldn't help but feel the helplessness of students wanting to be heard and needing a kind "official" to be responsive. My take away was that I would  begin by 1) educating students on their rights and the university staff (etc), on their responsibilties.; 2) Hosting quarterly forums on how best serve both groups, creating a community such that everyone responds  with kindness and respect in these matters. 

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