Jackie Pitt

Jackie Pitt

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Instructor mistakes will happen, but it does not have to be the final resting place. Using humor to identify a mistake you made, allow the students to understand you are human and relieve the idea that they must be perfect to succeed. One of the biggest benefits to avoiding mistakes are being prepared and organized.

Managing challenging students is not an easy task, but setting expectations in the beginning will help prevent confusing; however, if there is some that resist you must be willing to take the necessary steps to rectify the situation.

It is important to know the characteristics of the students in the class, so as the instructor I will know what specific strategies will be effective in moving the student forward.

By review and orienting the students to the syllabus, calendar and class expectation, help alleviate anxiety and sets the environment for success.  Create a class that is open to learning and working together from day one which allows awareness of their value to the class. 

It is important to use a variety of learning methods to allow students of different learning styles the opportunity to engage, understand and participate to their full potential. Using a holistic approach to assess learning offers a better assessment of learning.

Allowing a student to utilize their mother tongue will increase understanding and help the student develop connections between the language they already know and English. Then inability to understand or speak a language does not equate to literacy. 

As an instructor, it is important to be mindful that each student has unique skills, learning styles and experiences that they bring to the environment. Never assume or categorize a student's abilities based on stereotypes but take the opportunity to not just know their name, but who they are as a person to maximize learning.

I never considered the online teaching environment as it applies to FERPA. Protecting a student's information while participating in an online discussion or panel, must be addressed while at the same time implemented the educational requirements of the course or institution. 

Even though a student has rights to his/her educational records each institution should establish guidelines for accessing. There are specific guidelines for an active student that may not apply to an alumni, former student or a deceased student. Knowing the procedures for release of information, will allow me to maintain the integrity of the student's educational records.

I have gained an understanding of the policies that outline the guidelines of an institution's ability to share a student's information with others within the institution or outside the institution. Being mindful of these guidelines are of the utmost importance before sharing any personal identifiable information about a student.

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