Jonathon Hersman

Jonathon Hersman

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I agree, understanding the different learning habits can help to teach and reach the students. Good course, I learned alot.

ED117 was useful, especially with understanding the younger generation. I never thought I would get to the point where I would be saying, "Idon't understand the kids of today", but I guess I have finally reached that point.

ED 103 was very informative, although our tests at our school are already written for us, and we cannot modify them, so I felt it did not really apply to what we do here. Also I am the type of person that would much rather learn in a classroom environment, online schooling is a little tough for me to focus on, I do not enjoy staring at a computer screen for hours. I don't want this to sound negative, but I personally don't mind being honest and receiving feedback, it helps us make changes and make things better for the future.… >>>

Seems like these days more and more testing is done online, in our lab we have almost fifty video tests available to students. I am not saying it is bad, but I feel that when I get a chance to evaluate a student there seems to be a more positive outcome, whereas the internet or video tests it is just video and text and you select your answer. Maybe old school isn't such a bad thing?
Our tests we give to students at our campus are already written and we cannot modify them, so as far as testing goes, we really can't do much other than evaluations during lab, or asking questions to make sure they retain the information or tasks covered.
When you cover a lot of material, it is not a bad idea to stop and make sure there are no questions before moving on. I usually write down or try to remember questions from the past that students have over the material, and then present those questions to the students before moving on to "break the ice" and get the ball rolling if there are any questions.
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I like to have spare handouts of wire diagrams around to give to students so they can highlight the circuit they are working on.

Lots of information, this one took a little bit longer, but learned alot, will reccomend to others.


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Seems to me like todays society is very fast paced, and things can happen quickly. You have to stay on top of what is happening in your classroom, getting to know your students, and being comfortable with communicationg to them will help with retention. When you get to know them, you can identify faster when they are struggeling and help get to the bottom of the issue faster. I thought RT101 helped re-inforce those ideas to help retention. I liked the point they made that retention doesn't just affect the student, it affects us as well. We cannot teach of… >>>

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Sometimes stress can be overwhelming. Although I usually don't reccommend to take time off, sometimes it is a good idea depending on the situation. For example, getting injured or recovering from an illness, or maybe dealing with a family issue. I tell all my students that you are probably only going to go to school once in your life, so make it count and do your best while you are there.

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