Jonathon Hersman

Jonathon Hersman

About me


I agree with Kevin, if you believe in the product or material being taught it helps in teaching or selling the material to the students. The more familiar you are with the content of your course can help immensely. People like it when their question is answered or challenged with another question to help guide them to the answer.

I get alot of students ranging from brand new students on campus to students that have been in school for a year or two that will stop me in the parking lot or hallway and will ask a question about a project they are working on, and even though I am usually a man on a mission, I always stop and listen and try to help them out, it makes a big difference, and I know they appreciate it.
Discussion Comment

I completed ED102 And found it very informative and am able to apply that to my classroom. What I liked best was learning about motivationg students, and also learning to re-focus as instructors.

Hi Gary, Our course maps are printed with our packets that get passed out to students. We are not allowed to change anything with the way they are printed, we can make suggestions and it gets reviewed by our curriculum department and then they will either accept or deny the suggestion. So what I do is I go over the course map, and have the students write in the necessary info on the map.
At the end of a grading period, I think it is important to remind students not to miss the first day of the new rotation. That is the day where not only you meet and greet the students, but it's also the day we go over grading, lab and safety procedures, give handouts, and course maps (or syllabus). This is a day were we usually do not get into lab since it is mostly lecture, so students will habitually miss this first, and most important day.
At our school we have course maps instead of syllabus. The problem with this is that course maps are nothing but just the name of the projects. It would be nice to have the project name and maybe a description of the project and / or goals.
Sometimes it's hard to keep everything in 100% tip top condition.

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