Miriam  Birdsong

Miriam Birdsong

About me

I am a Registered Nurse with over 3 years teaching experience to accompany my 30+ years as a nurse.  I love it!


I was able to observe first-hand a manager, program director, and myself intervene with a student who had put up so many blocks to the work required for the class and was in such denial of how her actions were affecting her grades and the classroom environment.  The most effective part of this feedback came from giving the student time to go home and reflect on the feedback and make a personal choice to return to school and "begin afresh".  Once she was shown that the situation was not hopeless, and that she had to power to make things better… >>>

How do you handle confrontational students?  We have a different security officer weekly and have no contiunity in our "power" behind the conversations.  We try to use our soft skills and defuse situations but at times there is no bringing the situation back in line.  Suggestions?

We had a horrible student issue in which one of our former students injured her child and was jailed. It was the talk of the school. So my activity was simply to have my students recall the most frightening or stressful event in their lives. They were assigned to write the details of the event on paper as if it were happening to someone else (no emotion) and how they felt during the event (with emotion) then create possible endings for both and the actual ending. The goal was to see first hand how sometimes logical reactions/actions are lost in… >>>

Discussion Comment

It is amazing how some students really get into SL projects and programs and some seem so timid.  Especially with older students I have found that being "behind the scenes" is preferred.  But that takes away from the opportunity to stretch oneself and to face the challenges of the SL situation.

I try to use my students in problem solving activities. I occasionally share situations that may be fairly common that someone I know may be facing and allow them to discuss how best to resolve the situation. I use this activity to help them grow in their skills and selfishly use their insights and opinions to help me gain a better understanding of their views. I find this especially helpful when the class gets distracted. It will bring up the energy level for them and for me!

It is amazing how some students really get into SL projects and programs and some seem so timid.  Especially with older students I have found that being "behind the scenes" is preferred.  But that takes away from the opportunity to stretch oneself and to face the challenges of the SL situation.

I guess I am a little too old-school on this issue.  It hits too close to home, literally with my husband and my son as world-class procrastinators.  I do prepare a day-to-day calendar for my students (and family) that gives them the class assignments as well as the test dates.  They can wait until the last minute to do the work if they chose, but the submission date and time will not change for them.  I do require my students to text or call me prior to the start of class if they will be late or absent when an… >>>

One of the classes I teach is an Emergency Procedures class.  In it I discuss the requirements for medical professionals to be available in any emergency as needed.  We discussed having emergency care plans in place for our families so that we can be free to respond in the emergency.  It is one of the most hotly debated issues.  My younger students, even those without children, balk at the thought of "helping others" at their own personal expense.  The older students "get it" and understand the demands of being a professional. So, yes I do believe this younger generation is… >>>

I thought I knew everything there was to know about working fairly with individuals with disabilities but I was so wrong!  I found that I was over compensating and much too generous to the disabled students and left my "OK" students to follow the rules.  I am so much more aware of the issues, documented and undocumented that my students deal with on a daily basis and I am more aware of how quickly situations can throw a person into a tailspin.  As a teacher, I must not only be observant of the laws for the documented disabled students but… >>>

I have found that the 10 minute rule is right on target. I try to speak for 10 then do some sort of activity for 10 then speak again. I also add in a mini summary about half way through the presentation to help keep wandering minds on task, especially my mind!

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