I think test scores and grades in general are an important communication tool and motvator for students. Clear policies and open lines of communication are beneficial to both students and instructors.
Yes, without the feedback regarding progress, some students will flounder. Feedback is as important as the lesson content if we consider understanding the course work a measure of learning.
Barry Westling
Instant feedback is a great tool. It's important for students to feel their instructor is interested in their success.
Barry Westling
If the students have access to this, that's a wonderful method to have concurrent feedback.
Barry Westling
Very true. Communication conveys expectations and encouragement.
Barry Westling
In this day and age of technology, we are now all used to getting "immediate" response. The same holds true for students' eagerness to know how they have performed. Even in a ground class, the students have access to their portal online where we (instructors) can put in the grades. The students get immediate feedback which is helpful to both the students as well as the instructors.
I believe that it is important to keep the students informed of their status in the course for the simple reason that it cuts out a significant amount of stress or anxiety from the student. They don't feel like there lost or don't know were there at in learning the skill. I have a class weld sheet that every student gets. I then mark off and date the welds that they have mastered so that they can see where they are in the course. I also make it a priority to return any quizzes or tests back by the end of the day or the next morning. This also cuts out the amount of stress because they don't have to sit and wonder for a long period of time on how they did. Both of these things combined allow the students to relax and be comfortable which allows them to put forth more effort to the course.
I think it is human nature to want to know how you do as soon as possible after a test. I try very hard to have scores available the same day. Rapid turnover and a chance to look at the test they just took will also enhance their retention of how to correct whatever they got wrong.
I try to make it a point to keep students aware of their status because for me, it helps me understand where students are deficient or need extra support. This allows me to single out those with trouble in class and have the ability to offer assisstence in order to help the students in their education.
I too am glad they have changed. Just like students teachers like to know in a timely fashion what we make on test. It gives them a sense of relief also.
Students like to know where they are at in a course. Keeping them informed helps them to keep working hard. Especially, if they are close in their points between an A or B. It can boost their confidence if they are doing well. That way they keep working hard until the end of the course.
This is true. Even with electronic grading, I like to personalize sharing grades, performance, and progress as often as possible, as I believe this contributes to trust and improved relationship-building.
Barry Westling
Yes, without timely feedback students may flounder, adrift as it were, without clear direction as to how close or distant they are from the measuring points.
Barry Westling
Great. Sometimes, if we can't get the graded material immediately returned, telling students when it will be graded and returned at least helps reduces some anxiety. If so, it's very important to adhere to the time stated when the tests will be returned.
Barry Westling
Perfect! Personal discussion also helps build trust, mutual respect, and improves morale.
Barry Westling
I like to be able give verbal appreciation and recognition to students regardless if they are doing excellent or marginal. In the latter case, I can give advice and suggestions for improvement. In all cases, the opportunity to encourage and build trust is optimized.
Barry Westling
Student rely on the ability to pace themselves. Since my class will typically not be the only class they are taking, I must take into consideration their prioritization of time. Students often balance their focused time based upon grade status. If a student knows that they are not doing well in my class they will give it more time than other classes that they may be doing well in. Grades offer opportunities for students to improve and gauge their successes.
Sure, and it's amazing what a bit of encouragement and advice from a trusted instructor can do to boost morale, interest, and performance, when the student feels their instructor is truly wanting to help.
Barry Westling
I believe it is best to evaluate students progress in the formative method. I like to do this to correct problems early on. Students like to have immediate input about how they performed something and I am able to do this.
The summative evals are great for giving the students the opportunity to get a positive response for a good job and knowledge as to what they need to continue to work on in the next term.
I vary my approach, but at times, I have given the usual number of quizzes, but I broke down the tests to 4-5 "mid-terms", essentially providing no comprehensive final exam. It's sort of the teach-test method, and students know more clearly where their focus of study should be. Other times, I've mainly used the formative for quizzes and summative for tests.
Barry Westling