If you don't know whom you are, how can you really assist any other individuals. First all of us have weakness so get over yourself. This also can be useful to prove you are a human being and remember you have taken the same paths on this journey we call education. What a good way to motivate your students. Be the educator that you would love to teach you. Concentrate on your courses and focus on what is require of you to become one of the best instructors of your students lives.
Nice sentiments. We are stronger and more confident when we demonstrate our strengths in our delivery in the classroom, while internally embracing areas that are weaker and we know need improvement. By recognizing weaker areas, we're able to challenge ourselves into improvement, not afriad to expose ourselves. In short, being real does help relate to students, and when students observe an authentic version of their teacher, they'll be more likely to respond with their attention, respect, and appreciation of our efforts.
Barry Westling
If I understand what I'm actually needing to do (help student's succeed in learning) that end definition can help me formulate plans to meet my ultimate goal. I think our first step to success always starts with a firm understanding of what we are actually trying to accomplish.
Nice sentiments. For me., I have to recognize that there are areas that I will always need to improve on , but I lean on areas I know our my strengths. For all of us, we have to accept we are who we are. But having a recognition of, and a willingness to make an effort towards continuous quality improvement will produce the "better tyeacher" in all of us.
Barry Westling
Being an analytical person, this comes somewhat naturally to me. It can be painful as well. I have taken many personality tests and I am introverted and with another, the amount of red I had was not the best....And they are right in many ways..I have to work on those weaknesses and call on my strengths. Without self analysis, how would I know if I am portraying professionalism, role modeling the qualities I know everyone in our profession needs. I have to frequently check in to see if I am making progress in developing strengths in the weak areas.
When I first started teaching I felt that getting the information to the students was my primary goal. While that is important I soon discovered how I was going to do that was the bigger question. I was excited about what I was doing-was that coming across to my students? If I make a mistake I'm not afraid to admit it and in the classroom I've used this as an opportunity for open discussion. The one area I'm working on is getting the quiet student to become more involved. I've come up with group activities where the groups are 3-6 students and everyone must participate. It seems to be working.
Good self analysis. Good teachers have to be aware of their weaker areas, and be willing to work torwards improvement, even if that takes a number of years - or a career (it's the journey, not the destination). Stretching towards improvement takes courage and humility. But given the opportunity, a better individual, and more effective teacher will emerge.
Barry Westling
Humility is an interesting attribute. One might think of it as a weakness, but to students and others, humility expressed in the classroom is among the higher rated marks that students give their teachers (when it's present). Rather than a weakness, it shows strength in being willing to recognize mistakes are made, and taking responsibility for them too. It personalizes and keeps our ego's in check. People (students) will always respond to that characteristic with respect and trust.
Barry Westling
I have come back to this question frequently over the years - I feel that self assessment is so important where I am privileged to try and help others achieve. I hope that if/when I ever get to the point of instructing to satisfy just MY emotional needs, I will recognize the time to retire from the field.
Nice sentiment. I, too feel that if I don't try to continuously improve, stay abreast of changes, embrace the challenges teaching requires, and be optimistic about my role as educator, I will sink into an (undesirable) world of apathy and boredom, neither of which lends itself to lively, exciting and enjoyable classes for my students.
Barry Westling
At the end of every five week course the students complete a survey which gives me a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. I have taught for over 28 years and through student surveys have altered my teaching styles and the way I have related to students. I am constantly learning from peer reviews as well as student's reviews.
I feel that if understand myself and how i learn then i will be able to help my students in the same or better manner
Sometimes it's hard to read what may seem like criticism or unfair comments from students, yet if a teacher can get beyond isolated comments, there's probably some kernel of truth which gives an indication of something that could be improved on. Of course if the whole class is saying the same thing, that ought to be a big red flag and immediate attention is needed.
Barry Westling
I think we all work from where we are in our current thinking and sense of "best practice". We want to stay open to new ideas and the opportunity to improve. By doing so, we continuously grow and therefore become better teachers.
Barry Westling
Self understanding is important in any career, but in teaching it helps you see yourself from the students perspective and will allow you to work on your weaknesses and build upon your strengths.
Weaknesses can be just as important too, if we allow ourselves the opportunity for self anaysis, and a willingness to make improvements. This can be done in the classroom in small steps until what once was a weakness has become a stronger attribute.
Barry Westling
If you have an understanding of yourself as an instructional leader you will be much better in your interactions with your students and, therefore, be a better instructor. You will be able to focus on what your strengths in teaching/commuications are and what your weaknesses are. You can devote more time to improve on your weaknesses - either on your own or be seeking help from other instructors, administrators, etc... You will know when you need to be more patient or more engaging with your students.
Being our best is what most of us aspire for. We must recognize we all have stronger traits, and weakers areas that we may even avoid. But avoiding a problem area won't help get it resolved. So, understanding (analysis and assessment) of why we need improvement in a certain area is the beginning to seeing it corrected. With time, perhaps this "weaker" area could become a teachers strong point.
Barry Westling
It is important to understand yourself so that you are aware of your strong points as well as those areas in which you need to improve. Confidence in the subject you are teaching, and awareness of your own values and biases are also important.
I like to think that I have developed the sense of feeling people out and learning a little about them when I first meet them. I know my field very well and fell in love with teaching shortly after I started. I still strive to learn the differant types of students on a daily basis. Thru this course I've been reminded to make sure I don't loose any enthusiasim!!!!