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Depending on various degrees of learning in the classroom, I usually show a demonstration and later work one-on-one with students who are still struggling.

Hi Donald:
Muscicians, athletes, actors - they all have mastered the art of repetition and in doing so improve their craft. It can work the same in educational environments just the same way.

Regards, Barry

During new student orientation, I let the student know that the information will be repetative. the will read it, have a lecture, apply skills or complete activities, review and have a test or practical. Repetation is the key to success.

Hi Margaret:
I tell student something similar. "Like atheletes, musicians, actors - they all have to do repetitive exercise to excll in their profession". As in these examples, so be it for students. Keeping a variety of activities will help prevent repetition from becoming "excessively boring".

Regards, Barry

Repetition is the key to learning. At new student orientation I tell students that the will read, hear a lecture, apply the skill in lab 20-30 times depending on the activity, review, and be evaluated. I tell them that this is intentional so that they will be very comfortable before seeing actual patients.

Hi Margaret:
Right! With judicious use of repetition, nearly all recall-oriented information can be mastered. Even some application and analysis principles can be learned through repetition. It's use in classroom can be structured so as to prevent boring sessions. It's use for personal study time is ideal as well.

Regards, Barry

As one of my colleagues used to say “telling isn’t teaching”. I think repetition is an essential part of learning. At the beginning of each class as I take roll I ask each student a question from previous lectures (yes, they can use their notes). I encourage them to pay attention to the areas that I focus on with my questions, that way whether they realize it or not they are always studying for the next major test.
My thoughts,

Hi Kevin:
Good thoughts! Repeating over and over without making it a boring assignment can be very effective. One way to do this is to "teach, ask, clarify (if needed, continue teaching (then repaet the process)". This could occur 4-5 times an hour so that students would be continuously checking for understanding as they move through te lesson.

Regards, Barry

I use repetition in my area as well...when my students are using a piece of equipment I tell them they will be doing it over and over and over again so that they not only know the equipment inside and out but the information will stay with them much longer so they will not as easily be forgotten down the road.

Repetition is very important. How you do it can make or break your course. When you cover the material in a power point, make bullit points on the board on the main topics. After you have covered the topic, seperate the class into small groups and give them one or two sub topics you discussed and have the groups break it down into the importance of the topic and how they think they could use the information in their field of study. It can bring up some excellent discussions as well as reinforce what you have covered.Most important, it will aid in the retention of the material.

Hi Cory:
One reason most of us were hired for our teaching jobs was because we had experience in a particular trade, and that probably involved doing many familiar tasks repeatedly. So it makes sense to me that for the students to reach at least a minimal level of competency, they're going to have do task-oriented activities repeatedly to reach that level. To do something well is going to reguire repitition.

Regards, Barry

Hi Arthur:
Retention is the goal of repetition, so just about any exercise we do can be inhanced by adding some form of repetition to it. I often say atheletes, actors, musicians - all these and more perfect their skill through repetition. Should be no different for school assignments.

Regards, Barry

When students are learning somthing new it is important to repeat it. First lecture about the subject then have a demo. The next step is to allow the student to have hands on time to practice the new subject.

Hi Les,
I am a firm believer in the power of repetition. Athletes have to practice drills. Musicians practice over and over. Actors need to rehearse their lines. So it is in educational topics. Repetiton in mutiple way, over and over, with a varieity of methods only helps the learning process. In beginning classes, I have students listen to my lecture, take notes, then suggesst they re-write their notes, then read their notes into a tape recorder as the read their notes silently, then try to discuss the topic with a study partner. If there is a point where the student cannot articulate some point, Bam! - they've just identified an area they need more study and or review. Repetition is less effective for cementing critical thinking skills, but it is invaluable in establishing the foundation for formulating the facts need to form independent thought.

Barry Westling

Repetition is crucial in a students learning. The more they practice something it will become engrained in their thinking. Practice makes perfect.

I'm a big believer in repetition in education; it's what all professionals learn they must do to perfect and maintain their craft. I think about atheletes, actors, muscians - all must rehearse or practice regularly or suffer the consequence of sub-optimal performance. As you point out, we can optimize the power of repetition in our lessons to improve the students performance.

Barry Westling

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