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Follow along demonstrations.

I have found that follow-allong demonstrations, handouts, and personal student to student follow up is a good combination when trying to teach involved skills. They can follow along during class and if then missed the lecture they can follow the handout on their own time. Or if the student feels the lecture is to slow they can use the handout to finish early. I will try to insert positive aspects of my personality in this process. So far the response from students has been great.

Great. I'm all for creative methods that keep students interested, participating, and engaged in the flow of the class. I think what stands out here is students are able to work a bit independently, at their own pace. Learning often is improved when students use varied methods and work at their own pace.

Barry Westling

I often use handouts for skills not covered in the text book. Many of my handouts are step-by-step so a student can try them on their own or repeat the exercise at home. (Repetition is good!) I have trouble with follow-along demonstrations. Somebody always makes a mistake and needs help, breaking the flow of the exercise. (class gets distracted) Any tips on how to make a follow-along easy to follow? I try to go slow, and I try to make things large and easy to see. Maybe color coding, or repeating myself a lot?


You probably do something like the following, but I'll share what I'd do. First, I'd demonstrate to the whole class along with details and explanations as I transition from step to step. Then, I'd repeat the demonstration, a bit smoother without interruptions, and less explanation. Next, I'd run through the whole exercise, start to finish, without explanation while the students watched. Then, I'd have one student come to the front and demonstrate, and I'd give tips (or corrective advice) as needed. With this level of preparation, few students would be completely in the dark and the exercise should go smoother.

Barry Westling

Good ideas. I will see if they can be incorporated in to my game plan. Thank you.

Glad you can use some of the ideas contained in these modules. I've found there's nearly always another method to attain better results.

Barry Westling

Barry, I like this approach. I'll certainly give it a try. My main concern would be with students following along during the two demos before they had a chance to get their hands on the software. But definitely a good plan.

I gave general suggestions, and each has to customize it to their own situation. I'm glad you see merit, and hope you achieve the results you want.

Barry Westling

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