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Students without sufficient background experience

Inevitably I will get two students that are polar opposites in terms of background experience. One will have not have enough prerequisite skill to keep up and they feel frustrated while the other might be a bit advance for the course that they be come bored with the pace of the class. I have found it beneficial to pair these students together. The frustrated student will have someone turn to if they missed something and the advance student finds out new ways of communicating what they know reinforcing their knowledge and perhaps leading to new discoveries. What do you think of this possible solution?

Pairing students is always a sound practice. I agree attempting to match stronger with weaker can be helpful, although this combination doesn't always completely satisfy the advanced students frustration with a slower pace. One spin I've used is to group students into teams of 3-4, with the advanced student identified as the team leader. This demonstrates I recognize their contribution, value their participation, and of course, students in the groups benefit.

Barry Westling

I find that matching the stronger with the weaker student will also work in the lab giving them a better experience by learning from another student.

This is a great method. As long as the students get along, they actually can build upon each others strengths.

Barry Westling

Not going to happen in advanced classes because they students have strongly established cliques. The two groups don't get along and there is quite a bit of animosity between members. I'd be headed for a riot if I tried to mix them.

There are many techniques, matching stronger with weaker is just one approach. However, I find senior students are likely to be willing to "mentor" lower level students because they get to demonstrate what they know.

Barry Westling

I agree with Mr. Viveros. This is a great method. Also the stronger student sometimes finds out he can also learn from the weaker student. They will in most cases compliment each other.

I agree as well. As long as their is a good connection between the pairing, I have rarely found difficulty supporting this arrangement.

Barry Westling

The stronger students in my class are always willing to help. It makes them feel really good about themselves.

Adelina ,
I've learned a principle, that is stronger is not better. So my best students are the ones that are willing to try their best, assist others, and strive to learn all they can. Like yours, these students find satisfaction just by their attitude and support to their instructor and classmates.

Barry Westling

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