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I have my students for 8hrs, so time management is a crucial component. I try to have varied activities with specific time for each. However, like most, the subject often gets covered quicker than expected. Therefore, I have several alternative activities ready to go in case this situation arises.

each class is different, the more that the class participates the less I have to worry about having extra time left to fill. I try to include true stories or examples that they can interact with.


Do you memorize the talking points of the lecture or the entire "manuscript"? If you memorize in manuscript style, how do you adjust delivery based on student questions or discussion?

Tremayne Simpson


Eight hours is a long class session. How often do you give your students breaks during the session?

Tremayne Simpson

I try to add a extra just in case activity as well.

I try to make a rough sketch of the activities or topics I will cover with the approximate time it will take on each one. Then I keep a close eye on the clock to stay on schedule. At times I even list it on the board as a reminder to myself and to let the students understand what we will be covering.

I usually plan something like a fun learning game once a week incase I get through my lesson ahead of time.

I like the idea of having "canned" material as one of the respondents shared. The "canned" material should be something relavent to what is being covered.

time management is a huge task to stay on top of. Keeping students on track in the lesson and class time is so important to student success. Keeping organized really helps with time management.

a lesson plan

I always do this, too. My lesson plans always have more packed in than there is time for, and that is by design, so that I'm never caught unprepared with extra time to fill.

I have two 1.5 hr blocks per class with a 30 minute break in between. I try to budget ahead of time how much we can/will get through in the first half of class and then in the second, with backup plans for second half if we are running long or short on time. It gets easier the more you have the same students, and even if you always have new students, it definitely gets easier as you teach your material more and more, and really nail down your class-flow more and more.

I break down the material into 30 minute segments with time for discussion. This seems to keep everyone on task and it keeps me on pace.

I also have used case studies to help fill in times when I seem to have a gap. In fact, I plan on using case studies more routinely throughout my lesson plan. Her students often seem to dread them, by the end of the course, they realize the benefit. Case studies allow students to use the facts and concepts presented in class and solve potential real-world issues.

I try to break each activity into 15 minute incraments. this allows me to keep everything moving at a steady pace and it keeps my students focused on a topic for a period of time before they become botred.

I have found throughout my experience as an instructor to have more than enough planned for the course. It has been more than often my students were smart and quick at picking up the material. I think they appreciate having a lot to learn within the course. It really builds self esteem.

set the pace at 15 minute intervals.

The campus that I am employed at requires roll to be taken within the first 10 minutes of class and placed in a collectible binder on the wall. So, within the first five minutes of class I am taking the roll. Generally, on the first day of class I tell my students that if they are late then there are serious consequences; as a result, I do not have a problem with extreme tardiness.
(I teach at a small technical college)

It is optional on campus for instructors to use a lesson plan or not. I love the idea and use one because my class activities and assignments are broken into sections. On each activity there is a designated time for the entire class session. Having a general idea as to what we will cover is good, but the direction of the class changes based on the interactions and feedback of the students. It is important for the insructors to know the students and manage the class and the learning activities accordingly.

My schedule is set for the whole semester as far as lesson plans are concerned. I also put on my syllabus that the lessons are subject to change. Through my experience, I have told students that if we finish one lesson plan early, we will continue to the next one mentioned on the syllabus. This makes them prepared for every class.

Timed presentation with a q and a at the end.

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