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It is always helpful to have the lesson plans to help guide your class, but sometimes you do move too quickly through a subject you expected to take the whole class. Most of the time the students do not know the basics, so it always good to review basics and terminology if you have extra time.

Activities has not been a problem,but to return to question/answers, has no natural division please reply

Lesson plans are our road map to a successful class. This map should follow the syllabus objectives and the text material. The real test comes when we can get all the students in the calssroom on the same page by the end of the period on the concept.

This road map will help us to incorporate the different resources to support the lecture or concept.

Jennifer ,

I agree. In addition, it is a good idea to keep a few additional activities "handy", to provide to the students for further application, whenever there is extra time.

Tremayne Simpson

It is hard when the material you planned takes less time than expected. Sometimes, concepts are grasped quicker than others.

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