In part some material has been used multiple times
due to standards ,my physical lecture materials change with each new group of students
Same here I love incorporating new demos and even changing the layout every once in a while... it keeps me on the ball and it makes me enjoy my lecture
It is true that we must know our students individually, not only their smarts but their personality. Our lectures must be within the required standards and must be interesting to the students. This will require the instructor to be versatile in his delivery using variety of approaches and presentations to keep the students engaged and focused.
Its always good to change up the lectures based on how the students respond, if neede to keep them interested and not bored.
Its always going to be a little different because our students between classes are going to be different.
The objectives stay the same and I present basically the same material in pretty much the same material because the students are very similar and I am seeking a similar outcome. I do change it some because each time I teach I change a little.
I am with you! Even though the objectives may stay the same some of the examples of real life that are used need to be changed as the students with each class change. Students constantly need updating as this is a changing environment.
I agree that we use teaching materials multiple times. But we have to be dynamic in the classroom and find new and exciting ways to teach the course. Just like you, my materials for lecture will change with every class that I teach. I find that if I do the same thing more than once it becomes boring to me. We also have to remember that the things that we may do in one class may not work for the next class.
I disagree with this. Now my answer may change with the subject I am teaching. In a collegiate environment, I teach both Finance as well as Management Information Systems. I also teach volunteers in American Red Cross courses (CPR and First Aid). In the volunteer activity, that is when I am more relaxed and key of the 'personality' of the class.