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Social media as a learning resource

One lesson I give is to explain to my students the benefits and dangers of social media. I have all students put their full name into the google search bar and see what pops up. More often than not an undesirable picture from one of their social media sites pops up. I use this to teach professionalism and how to be careful of social media technology.

Social media has its pros and cons, but can be very useful in teaching.At times I use videos from the youtube after teaching a particular topic to enhance learning.

I have also used youtube videos it breaks up the monotony of standing and lecturing for both myself and the students. I also find it can get a point across in a fun or humerous way.

Youtube videos can be great. I also use google image search for pictures. I have to be careful with what comes on the screen, though. Even if I check an image search in my office a few minutes before class, I may have a completely set of images pop up in class. I guess because I teach people who are entering the medical field, pictures of diseased genitalia pop up - NOT what I was looking for (I'm in the field of veterinary medicine, not human medicine, but even if I make sure to have "dog" or "horse" as my first word, I can be surprised).


Excellent assignment for you students! I'm sure that they are quite surprised when they conduct the Google search of their name. It is also a great opportunity to remind them about information security.

Tremayne Simpson


I agree that there are both positives and negatives, regarding the usage of social media as a learning tool. It is important that instructors consider copyright law and terms of usage when utilizing sites like "YouTube", especially if your institution is proprietary.

Tremayne Simpson

I agree, using youtube can be useful. We use youtube videos to teach students certain skills technique. However, the danger of using youtube is when students use it to teach themselves skills that the school or you as an instructor don't consent.

I found that the student then want to watch youtube all the time, and start to watch other videos that have nothing to do with the classroom talk.

Very often when a question arise about a very specific product.. I encourage the students to look out on their smart phones and one of them trying to explain to the others.. I realized that by engaging them this way..and make their own researches, help them to understand and learn.


I agree. In addition, it is important to review the terms of usage policy for YouTube and sites that are similar to it. Most of the posted videos do not fall under the copyright, "fair use" policy.

Tremayne Simpson


I agree. YouTube can become a "distracting" social media source for students, because their are millions of clips that are available for them to view. In computer lab based classrooms, "Facebook" and "YouTube" are primary sites that should be "blocked" if the instructor has the authority to do so.

Tremayne Simpson


This is a great activity that can be used to promote student engagement. I encourage instructors to find ways to implement their students' technological devices for class-related activities, instead of prohibiting them from usage.

Tremayne Simpson

They should be made aware of how social media is being used for human resource evaluations.


I agree. It is obvious that social media will be a major factor for most professions, therefore students must learn how it will effect their particular industry. In order to introduce them properly, instructors should create assignments that enable them to use, some viable aspects of social media.

Tremayne Simpson

HR personnel use social media all the time to check up on current associates as well as potential hires. Posting that you got wasted over the weekend, during the week, etc. will help you not get hired. Students need to understand that social media can help and hurt them. Being able to vent their spleen to the world instantly will often times come back to bite them in the butt. The sooner they learn that, the better their employment future will be.

I use google to find my students mugshots :( I discuss how social media has changed the world. We can share happiness and frustrations in seconds. There are companies I won't support based on some of my friends' experiences with them. There are also places I will try (that I normally wouldn't have) based on a friend's review or positive comment about it. I explain to my students that business owners need to be aware of how social media can have an impact on their company.

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