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Importance of Adaptive Learning | Origin: ED123

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Adaptive Learning in Education --> Importance of Adaptive Learning

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Adaptive learning appears to be creative into making students aware of their own learning curve and technique, that can be used in everyday life.

I learned that Adaptive learning is helping for all student levels who are getting back into school and learning environments. 

I have learned that there is an education model named "Adaptive Learning". It seems like a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching that claims to give students more freedom and quick accountability, but I don't think this model is something that would be useful to me in my current position. It is helpful to be reminded of the importance of speedy and personalized feedback, though. 

I really learned the different options in delivering material to my students with adaptive learning.

Through learning through this module I will utilize the information to help transform my teaching method in order to help keep my students engaged with information they are trying to learn. 

In order to implement something like this, a new team or committee must be created?  How expensive can this get?

What identifiers show that this should have happened a while ago?

I believe adaptive learning applies to students who are entering new fields with no previous experience.  That way student who have an affinity to the subject matter can accelerate and quickly find the more challenging aspects of the material.  

Conversely, students who need more help have support too.  These students tend to consume more resources of the teacher, so having prepared activities for the faster learners is paramount.  Giving busy work to occupy students may help with the lock-step nature of a traditional classroom, but this may fatigue a student’s energy for incorporating new concepts or abilities.

I have learned there are multiple modes of adpative learning that may be applied to individuals. I plan to apply such knowledge to students after assessing their individual learning needs.


I am learning about tools that allow every learner to have the best opportunity for success. Rote learning for knowledge comprehension can impede a student's progress because they are "unable" to keep pace with their peers. I feel like the adaptive learning environment can be used to support the individual learner with material, resources and options for an experience that gives opportunities for a step by step learning progression toward meeting the intended objectives. 

I have learned and have been thinking about challenging my teaching style.  Incorporating real-time feedback is not something I have traditionally done, but certainly see the value in it. 

i have learnded that using the adaptive learning will help my delivery of instruction fit more students.

It is important to utilize all the technology available to help your students.

Adaptive learns give students the flexibility to learn at different speeds as all students learn at different paces.  It also allows students to learn in several different ways.

Adaptive learning provides students with the flexibility to be creative and engaged on their own terms. It also provides different learning environments for the different learning styles. AL maximizes the opportunity for working adults to pursue their career dreams. 


I have learned that there are various ways that are available that may help instruct my students.  Adaptive learning is a way to personalize the educational experience to students with varying comprehension levels.  The use of an intelligent tutor is a great way to monitor these levels.  However, the course has yet to give any examples of adaptive learning tools that are available.

Adaptive learning is an integral way of expanding and improving the learning experiences of students at all levels. However it is dependent on the system used by the institution.


In the elementary school setting, we used adaptive learning quite a bit, as we do now in the high school. Motivation is a key area that affects the learner's success at both levels. This is where good relationships with teachers can come into play. When the technology is used as a supplement to and not in the place of solid instruction, student achievement can be augmented.


 Adaptive learning allows students extra time when needed to accomplish the learning tasks so the pressure tocomplete on a timetble is removed allowing the student to focus on the task rather than how much time he has remaining to complete the task.

I learned how important  is adaptive learning in today's teaching.


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